• Communications & Publicity

The Communications Committee is responsible for creating and maintaining the various media used by WUU for both internal and external communications and publicity. Internally, the committee publishes The Weekly Spiral and the monthly WUU News, and manages the WUU website, Facebook pages, and the email listservs (Announce and Talk).  The publicity coordinator and the office administrator communicate with local newspapers, providing information about both weekly services and special events. For more information about how to get your event publicized in the local papers, go to the publicity page.  If you wish to receive a three-month sample of the monthly WUU News, email the office at office at wuu dot org.

Members of the Communications Committee include:

  • Communications Committee Chair
  • Webmaster
  • Facebook page administrator
  • Newsletter Editor
  • Church Administrator (publishes The Weekly Spiral)
  • Publicity Coordinator
  • Electronics Consultant

The committee may be contacted by emailing communications at wuu dot org.

The Communications Committee is engaged in an ongoing review of the various publications in order to clarify their appropriate roles within the communication structure. We continually work on streamlining the communication process both for information providers and consumers and are working to ensure that all our media are used in a coordinated way.  Specific goals include:

  • Continuing to work on  the church website to provide more timely, organized information for users
  • Reviewing weekly and monthly publications for appropriateness and length
  • Increasing external publicity
  • Educating congregation on use of different communication vehicles

The Communications cluster maintains the Digital Publishing Policy for the church.

Communications News:

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