WUU Recycling Instructions

Green Sanctuary needs your help with the weekly delivery of WUU plastics to JCC Recycling Centers

  • 1204 Jolly Pond Road (Hours: 7am – 5 pm 7 days a week)
  • 107 Tewning Road (Mon. 8am-12pm, Tues.-Sat. 8-4, closed Sun.)
  • Toano Convenience Center (8am-4pm 7days a week)

Sign up on the SJ Table in the Narthex for one delivery during the week(s) you choose.
Each scheduled week begins on Sunday.

The bins containing plastics are located on the Fahs Patio.


  1. Remove the black bags of plastic items from the bins marked #1,2,3,4, 6,7. DO NOT REMOVE THE #5’s! (These go to Richmond for use in plastic products like toothbrushes, etc.)
  2. Replace the black trash bag in each emptied bin. Additional bags stored in marked green storage box on patio.
  3. Take the bags of plastics to a JCC Convenience Center during that week.
  4. Drive into the Recycling Center and empty the plastic out of the bags.
  5. Bring the empty bags back to Fahs on your next trip to WUU. Fold and place them in the green storage box on the patio.