Our History

The Pages of our Story:

Our story began with a group of like-minded people trying to form a fellowship. Alas, this group did not last long. The group dwindled and folded in the early 1980s, but lessons were learned.

In 1988, a core group decided to start establishing a congregation. This core group, with assistance of UUA district personnel, developed a sense of community based on a covenant and organized a functioning group. Their first public meeting on April 10, 1988 announced the presence of UUs in the community, and commited to becoming a UU congregation.

Charter Sunday occurred on February 5, 1989, when 89 people signed the book. 10 more joined later that week. WUU became a reality. Services were held in an elementary school.

Brave members purchased property on Ironbound Road, hoping that the congregation would be able to purchase it for a sanctuary building. Dreams became plans and, soon, WUU was the owner of approximately 7 acres and two small houses.

The WUU sanctuary was dedicated in 1995. The houses were renovated for use as congregational offices and religious education classrooms.

WUU grew to more than 275 members on solid financial footing. Proper space for offices and religious education classes was always on the minds of members.

WUU launched a capital campaign in 2016 to complete an major expansion and renovation project. The new space was completed in late 2017 and dedicated to service, with new space for religious education, small-space worship, meetings, and offices all under one roof. A new gathering hall provides a welcoming entry.

The two houses were renovated and converted to a home for the Williamsburg Friends and the Greater Williamsburg Outreach Mission’s Grace Haven Family Shelter.

The next pages are being written. WUU has a history of rising to meet challenges. Everyone looks confidently toward a bright future.