September 2024 President’s Report

by Helen Hansen, Board President

Board Happenings

The Board held an all-day retreat August 10 that included team building, visioning, goal setting, updating our Board Covenant, learning each other’s leadership styles, and discussing the role of the Board. Board goals for this year are:

  1. Set developmental goals for the next 5-7 years. In September and October small groups will meet with a facilitator in person or on Zoom to share their feelings about WUU now and their hopes and dreams for WUU’s future. The Board will determine goals based on that input from congregants.
  2. Examine the congregation and assets in terms of what is the “right size” for WUU and create a long range plan for that fit. We have hired a consultant from Stewardship For Us (S4Us) to help with that work and strategic planning. Two task forces for Long Range Financial Planning and Staffing Assessment will be named at the September 10 Board meeting.
  3. Proactively engage in difficult conversations while remaining in relationship.

The Board will be naming the Developmental Minister Search Committee in October.

WUU Successes

The Journey to Asylum (JTA) Team has worked with three families over four years to provide them with essential support, community connections, and partners in navigating the path to permanent safety in our country. The leadership and volunteers have equipped each family with skills needed to navigate the U.S. asylum system and live in the United States. Bravo to core team members Jessica Sapalio, Mary McGovern, Kim Barbarji, Alex Mitovich, Jo Chapman, and Sam Custer and volunteers from WUU, Bruton Parish, and Temple Beth El. The compassion, competence, and expert coordination of all of the leaders and volunteers made the program successful. Since JTA will be taking a much deserved “pause,” the Campus Improvement Team (CIT), Finance Committee, and Board will be assessing needs for Parker House renovation.

WUU Director of Religious Education Austen Petersen, the Religious Education Committee, and volunteers have worked hard over the summer to provide fun, creative opportunities for our young people, and will be experimenting with a “one-room schoolhouse” model for elementary and middle schoolers this fall.

Thoughts and Notions

This is a historic and unsettling time in the history of our country. Every day we learn about potential attempts to undermine the 2024 election. The stress and worry can be overwhelming. However, when I walk through the doors at WUU, I know I am among patriots and friends who have shared values and are working hard to be sure our democracy continues. UU the Vote non-partisan postcards are being written and mailed by many of us. Rev. Michelle has been equipping us with spiritual practices to help relieve stress and anxiety. WUU is the sanctuary where we gather to show each other compassion, understanding, and love.

Planning is underway for hosting the COFM winter shelter November 17-24. Watch the Spiral for ways you can participate.

Circle Gatherings (including happy hours and lunches) are beginning this month.

Many thanks to Les Solomon and CIT volunteers who keep our campus looking beautiful.

Starting Point is beginning again. Thanks to the Membership team for providing new folks with an introduction to WUU and our denomination.

We begin this new WUU year with hopes for peace in our world and gratitude for our blessings.


Contact the WUU Board President: