Worship Calendar

Sunday, September 1, at 10:00 am: “Keep Walking: A Beginner’s Guide to Going Deep,” Steve DeLaney, Guest Worship Leader

We are so often in a hurry, so ready to outsource to technology our daily work and tasks. But there are some things that we cannot hurry through – building a friendship, learning a new skill, or growing in our spiritual lives. Join Steve DeLaney as we use poetry and stories to help us reflect on this spiritual work of patience and going deep as a necessary and beautiful part of a human life.

Music provided by Scott Varney.

Steve DeLaney has worked in ministry with young people for over 20 years – in outdoor education, jail ministry, urban service, parish ministry, and as a high school teacher and campus minister. He has an MA in Theology and an MFA in Creative Writing. His passions include literature and writing, hiking, and gardening. He lives with his wife, Allison, and their three kids (and their dog Peach!) in Williamsburg, VA. You can find him on his blog: http://somedelaney.substack.com.

Sunday, September 8, at 10:00 am: “Ingathering,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

As we come together at the start of this year, what are some of the things we’re hoping for? Where are we going this year, and what might be some of the twists and turns along the road?

Sunday, September 15, at 10:00 am: “The Power of the Small (Groups),” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

In many ways, nothing is more human than gathering around the hearth or its modern day versions, the living room or kitchen tables, and talking and connecting with one another. It’s also how our faith movement and many of our congregations were born. Small groups are powerful ways to connect, and we’ll explore and celebrate those connections today.

Sunday, September 22, at 10:00 am: “Yearning to Belong,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

Humans have a deep yearning to belong, yet so many parts of modern society are moving towards isolation and fragmentation and with every increasing polarity. Technology pretends to unite us and yet looking around a room filled with people all staring at the screens of their smart phones reminds us that it has isolated us far more than connected us. What are the challenges that belonging faces in our world today, and where can we look for healing and connections? These questions are more important now than ever before.

Sunday, September 29, at 10:00 am: “How Is Life Inviting Us,” Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

In our quickly moving society and world with so much competing for our attention, we can lose our fix on the quiet voice within us. What is your heart saying, and are you listening for the directions it may be showing you?