
Nurture your spirit; help heal our world

IMAGINE a religion that embraces many different beliefs, including yours. Visitors and Newcomers are always welcome at WUU. We invite you to join us in person or online for our Sunday service at 10 am. You will find a warm and friendly congregation. People of all races, backgrounds, political orientation, walks of life, gender, and sexual orientations are embraced at WUU. In this nurturing environment, we seek personal spiritual growth while working to build a better world.

WUU Supports the Democratic Process Through UU the Vote

September Share the Plate Recipients

UU the Vote is a non-partisan initiative of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) that works nationally to protect voting rights, educate voters, and encourage people to participate in the democratic process.

The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, a non-partisan coalition of 23,000 members including 700 faith communities and 1,000 clergy of all faiths and people of goodwill, advocates for economic, racial, and social justice in Virginia’s policies and practices through education, prayer, and action.