Annual Giving Update

As of this writing we have received $321,624 in total pledges from 115 pledgers. This represents 78% of our goal of $410,000. The average increase remains above 8% for those who have pledged to date. The annual giving team wishes to THANK everyone who has pledged so generously.

We are counting on the more than 120 members and friends who are still considering their annual financial commitment, to help us achieve the last $88,000 to reach our goal. If you are a current pledger, please consider raising your pledge if you are able. If you have not pledged, please consider making your first annual commitment. Every gift, regardless of the amount, is needed and appreciated. The campaign officially runs through the end of April.

Please remember that the pledge you are making now applies to the upcoming “fiscal year,” which begins on July 1 and ends June 30, 2020. You have plenty of time to plan your payments, and there are several convenient methods of payment. Making your pledge is easy: Fill out a pledge form and drop it in the box in the gathering hall on Sundays, or mail it to WUU. OR go online to and click on “Annual Pledge.”


From the Annual Giving Team

Dave Banks                             Anne Luchsinger

Ellen Busching                       Ben Puckett, co-chair

Allen Cooke                            Ann Tetrault

Rich Costello, co-chair         Larry Ventis

Martha Elim