Update from the Two-Services Task Force

Dear WUUs,

It’s finally here! After 16 congregational conversations, 2 road trips, 184 survey responses, and many meetings, we on the TwoServices Task Force are delighted to share with you our draft plan to revitalize our Sunday morning experience. Click here to see the full presentation from Sunday’s café conversation introducing you to the goal of the project, the results of our research, and, last but not least, the plan!

The core of the plan, based on extensive congregational feedback, is this:

  • Make the first service as rich and as family-friendly as the second service, with a full music program and childcare at both services.
  • Move religious education classes for children & youth to a “Middle Hour” in between the services, with classes and meeting spaces available for adults too.

We’re excited about the opportunities we believe this approach will open up for our congregation. We encourage you to take a look at the presentation…and then, help us to make the plan better. If you have feedback, ideas, or questions, please reach out to us at twoservices@wuu.org or talk with any one of us. We’ll incorporate as much of your feedback as we can into a revised proposal that we’ll share with our Board at the end of this month. And then, if all goes well, we’ll begin a trial period in September. Thank you so much for the curiosity, open-mindedness, and wisdom we know you will bring to this experiment.

Your TwoServices Task Force,

Eva Burke, John Chowning, Lesa Craig, Rachel Delbos, Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Paul Luchsinger, Austen Petersen, and Janna Roche