WUU Beliefs Survey Results Announced

By Peter Mellette

On February 17, 2019 the Middle School RE class conducted a congregational survey on past and current faith traditions. There were 115 total responses (mostly in person, with a dozen online), with some interesting results.

Question 1: In what faith tradition(s) did you grow up?
The following chart encompasses the responses received. (Click on each chart for a higher-resolution image.)



Question 2: At what age did you start questioning your religious background (if ever)?
There were a range of responses, reflected in the table below:



Question 3: In what other faiths have you participated?
The following chart encompasses the responses received (details available upon request).



Question 4: At what age did you decide to become a UU?
The following table encompasses the responses received.




Question 5: Why did you become a UU?
The following summarizes the responses:

  • Diversity of beliefs, perspectives, and values shared
  • Mission of the church
  • Family
  • Sense of community and unity
  • Liberal and social justice values – no creed
  • Spiritual growth
  • Open-mindedness

Question 6: Do you currently attend another faith community?
The following chart encompasses the responses received.




Question 7: What percentage of the UU services reflect your religious traditions?
The percentages varied but were generally very high (75% said half or more of the UU services reflect their religious traditions — details available upon request).

Question 8: What percentage of your faith traditions are incorporated into the UU services?
The percentages again varied but were generally very high among those responding – over 75% said half or more of their religious traditions are incorporated in the UU services – details available upon request).

Question 9: What category best fits your beliefs now?
The following chart encompasses the responses received (multiple responses possible).




Thanks to the Middle School RE participants for planning and conducting the survey and then parsing through the results. Thanks as well to the adult leaders – Greg Caldwell, Paulina Carrion, Michael Luchs, Jane Reilly, and Scott Varney – for their participation and expertise.

Note: Other tradition total includes spiritualist, humanism, pagan, UU and no tradition. Eastern tradition includes Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. Judeo-Christian tradition includes Catholics, various Protestant denominations, and Judaism.