Coming Soon: New Sunday Schedule

What’s happening when?
The new Sunday schedule will launch on Sunday, September 8, with all-ages Water Communion services, special music, and a pancake breakfast in between the services. Don’t miss it!


  • First service: 9-10 a.m., featuring music from our WUU solo performers of all ages.
  • Middle Hour: 10-11:15 a.m., with religious education classes for children & youth. We’ll also be developing programs for adults during this time.
  • Second service: 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., featuring our WUU choir.

Occasionally, we’ll have one-service Sundays—for example, St. Cecilia Sunday (November 17 this year) and the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Those services will be at 10 a.m. Then, when May rolls around again, we’ll move to our 10 a.m. summer schedule, Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend.

Where will the kids be and when? Where should I take my kids?
With these changes, we’ll be welcoming our young people into both services. Here’s what we’ll be offering for families:

For infants and toddlers, we’ll provide free nursery care throughout the morning, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Children up to age 12 will begin in the main worship service. After the Wisdom Story (children’s time, about 15 minutes into the service), any kids who wish may go to free childcare, with a focus on fun outdoor play.

  • Kids who attend the first service will be able to go right from childcare to religious education classes and rejoin their families after class. If they prefer, kids can also stay in the first service and go to classes when it is over.
  • For families who attend the second service, we’ll ask parents/guardians to pick your children up after religious education classes and come to the service as a family. After the Wisdom Story, kids may either go to childcare or stay for the rest of the service.

Youth aged 13 and up are invited to stay in the main worship service. This will be a change for many of our youth! We’re excited about the opportunities this will create for youth to get more connected with the congregation as a whole, and with the practice of going to Sunday worship which is so meaningful to many of us.

What kind of music will there be?
At 11:15, our WUU Choir will continue to sing twice a month. At 9:00, we’re launching a brand-new music series highlighting our solo performers. Want to get involved? Click here to sign up for a performance opportunity.

Our pianist Dave Robbins, our house band the UURhythmics, and various guest musicians will also play. Each Sunday will be a little different. And, of course, we’ll keep on singing hymns together.

What’s going on in between the services?
During the Middle Hour, we’ll have our social time in the gathering hall, just as we’ve been doing.  Our Hospitality Teams will keep up their great work providing snacks and beverages for the whole community. Occasionally, we’ll schedule congregational meetings and conversations during this time. We’ll also be developing religious education opportunities for adults.

If you have an idea for a class or workshop you’d like to lead during the Middle Hour, please let Rev. Laura know.

I’ve heard there’s something going on about the parking too. What’s happening?
It’s no secret that our parking lot can get crowded on Sunday mornings. A great problem to have, but still a challenge. We have a task force looking at options for expanding our parking.

In the meantime, you can help by carpooling when you can. And, if you attend the 9 a.m. service, consider leaving by 10:45 or so, to make room for those arriving for the 11:15 service.

Why are we doing this again?
Our WUU Mission calls us to provide a welcoming, inclusive community to explore and encourage personal spiritual growth. That means, we are called to make room for everyone who is drawn to the message of Unitarian Universalism.

Last year, our Two-Services Task Force found that attendance at our 11:15 service has been averaging 97% of comfortable seating capacity. This level of crowding is discouraging new people from returning and longtime members from regularly attending.

Guided by our values of welcome and inclusion, our strategic plan has committed us to re-launching our two worship services with the goal of achieving rough parity in worship attendance. That’s why we’re launching the new 9 a.m. service and moving religious education classes to the new Middle Hour in between services.

It’s all about making room for everyone who wants to be here. What an opportunity to spread our values and make new friends!

How will we know if it worked?
We’re planning on trying out this new schedule for a full congregational year, September through May. Then, we’ll evaluate how it’s all working. It’s not uncommon for congregations to experience a slight drop in attendance in the first few months of a change like this, so it may take us up to a couple of years to fully evaluate how the new schedule is working.

In the meantime, if you have feedback to share, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Rev. Laura or Austen with any comments or questions you may have.

I’m feeling nervous about our congregation getting so big that I won’t know everyone. Is this really a good idea? 
This is a very common fear in congregations that have gone through a transition like this.

But, even at our current size, the fact is that it’s impossible for any one person to know everyone else. Congregations that have successfully made this transition have realized that, first of all, that’s OK! It’s actually the good news, because it means that we are making a difference in the lives of many more people who need this faith.

In larger congregations, members have also found that they really don’t need to know everyone to feel loved and connected. Rather, people can thrive when they find deep connections in small groups, in committees and ministry teams, and in the long-lasting personal friendships that will continue to bring meaning and value to our lives, no matter when we gather for worship.

And one more thought: this congregation is known for its friendly, welcoming spirit—the spirit that leads us to say each Sunday: “You belong here. You are seen here.” That’s not going to change. It’s deep in our DNA and it will carry us forward.

How can I help?
Thank you for asking! Here are just a few ways you can help your congregation:

  • Come to the big kickoff on September 8 and help us celebrate!
  • Try out the 9 a.m. service for a few weeks. We need everyone’s help to make it a success!
  • Offer to lead a class or workshop for adults during the Middle Hour.
  • Carpool with your UU neighbors.
  • Bring a friend. Actually, bring lots of friends!
  • Show up as many Sundays as you can. Remember, your presence is a gift to the whole congregation. You never know when your smile or comforting word on a Sunday morning will change the life of another person.

How can I find out more? 
Everyone is invited to a café conversation (open forum) after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, August 25. Rev. Laura, Austen, and WUU president Jessica O’Brien will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Or just reach out to any of us at any time.

You can also check out our web pages about the transition:

Are there really going to be free pancakes on September 8? 
Absolutely! Come on over and join your fellow WUUs for a fun and tasty pancake breakfast, 10-11 a.m. on the big kickoff Sunday, September 8.