Sign Up for Circle Dinners Today!

By Anne Stevens

Circle Dinners are dinner parties of WUU friends and acquaintances of all ages, single or with partners, with or without children, who gather for small potlucks. They are an understated small ministry in our congregation. I signed up as a single mother at 50 and expanded my circle of WUU congregants ever since. New people, new ideas, new recipes, new decorating discoveries, and a mutual respect for individuality in spiritual thought bring me to sign up each year.

I gratefully acknowledge the many years of service from Dave and Virginia Banks in organizing Circle Dinners and look forward to organizing dinners this year. I will be hosting the sign-up table between and after services for the next 3 weeks. You may also visit the WUU website to sign up online. Group assignments will go out September 23.

Here are some testimonials from WUU congregants explaining what Circle Dinners mean to them:

  • “I love the circle dinners because it permits us to get to know each other outside the WUU setting. Our dinner conversations provide opportunities for storytelling about backgrounds, family, careers, hopes, and sometimes, a bit about WUU. We are blessed with so many diverse, fascinating people. Getting to know these folks outside my own limited personal circles has enriched my life. And the food is darned good! I have already signed up.” -Les Solomon
  • “We started joining Circle Dinners soon after we began attending WUU and have continued just about every year since. It’s been wonderful getting to know fellow WUUs personally, in relaxed settings, around tables laden with good food, and without an agenda. Sign up–you’ll be glad you did” -Lola Warren
  • “My initial joining of a dinner circle was out of my comfort zone. However, I treasure those times of being part of a smaller WUU family. As you share stories and experiences around a table of delicious food, barriers come down in the common experience. You have time to relax and get to know each other. ” -Carolyn Greathouse

We welcome all to join us this year!