WUU President’s Report

By Jessica O’Brien

April 2020

Hello congregation. I prepared a president’s report last month (late February), but it quickly became irrelevant as the virus took over our lives. I will attempt to catch you up on Board matters—concisely.

But before that, let me tell you a bit about last Saturday’s Tidewater Cluster Extended Leadership Experience. It was very interesting. We talked about Core Values–what are WUU’s Core Values and do we support them with everything we do. In small breakout sessions that split the WUU attendees into two different groups, our group identified our Core Values as 1) caring for each other; 2) expanding our caring into the community and the world; and 3) being welcoming and inclusive to all. Then in the larger group we went on to learn about Systems Thinking, which identifies different categories of weaknesses and strengths in group situations, offering strategies to help us work better together.

One thought struck me: have you noticed—I hadn’t–that our Mission statement begins with the words “to serve.” I find that quite impressive. No other congregation in our SE Cluster begins their Mission statement that way. This emphasizes to me that we see WUU as an active force, a re-source, a contributor to ourselves and our community, and to the world at large. We are not focused inward, but outward, in our desire to help facilitate and provide what is needed in the world. A mighty goal indeed—to help bring about the Beloved Community through acts of service.

Back to the Board. In our Zoom meeting in late March, we welcomed BethAnne Klaver and Dave Banks, newly elected Board members, who sat in on our meeting to get their feet wet. Their term begins May 1st. We had an extended discussion about the Board’s Safety Task Force becoming a permanent committee and where it belongs in the WUU Committee structure as well. Ensuring “Safety” has become increasingly central to our efforts at WUU at this time.

On March 29th, we held a Board member orientation, also by Zoom, to bring our new members up-to-speed on Board process and give present members an annual overview.

Of course, much of what we talked about centered around the new world order—life with COVID-19. The Board was and continues to be very appreciative of the wonderful leadership that Rev. Laura has demonstrated in getting us organized so quickly to address the concerns of members and in establishing a great online Sunday worship and discussion experience. Last Sunday the attendance was amazing—more than 125 logins, many of which included more than one person. And no parking problems!

Many of the Board’s prior concerns have, of necessity, been put on the back burner at this time while we contend with the new COVID-19 environment. Our efforts will be centered around ensuring that our congregation is as safe as possible and has all the necessary resources–material, spiritual and emotional—that we can identify and provide. If you have suggestions for the Board, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And, please, take care of yourselves.