Religious Education Update

Dear WUU Community,

As the pandemic situation has developed, we want you to know that our first priority has remained the safety of children, teens, and adults. As the world changes, and as the needs of the kids change, we want to continue to meet those needs. We would like to name that this has meant various stages of quarantine, reopening, and in addition to the health concerns, the very present illness of racism in our beloved country. All of these things have had a lasting impact on each of us, the kids included. We’ve seen people raise their voices, demand equality, march, create art, and so many beautiful life-affirming, justice-centered actions. That energy will sustain us all.

Over the past months, these changes have meant a need for agility from everyone in the community. That will probably continue to be the case, certainly until we know the plans of the public schools in this area. Once we know what the public school systems will do in September, we will also respond to that new reality.

Our Religious Education committee has been working to create online offerings based on the Soul Matters monthly themes. This will mean that the kids and teens will have time to reflect on the same monthly topics as Sunday services.

We have various groups and classes meet throughout the week. The good news is that more children are continuing to register for our vital offerings. Now is the time for deeper commitment to community, and we are working hard to respond to those needs.

With compassion and good wishes to all,

Your Religious Education Committee and Austen Petersen, DRE