President’s Message

by Katrina Landon, WUU Board President

This past Monday evening I hosted a Zoom gathering for the Presidents of our Tidewater Cluster. Everyone was appreciative for the opportunity to connect and share experiences related to the pandemic and reopening plans. Interestingly, all our sister congregations have had the same struggles we have had regarding what, and when, is the best way to reopen. Like us, some would have liked to have opened months ago, while others prefer to wait until conditions were optimal. Most of us have plans to start back with a hybrid service starting in September while others may have to wait a little bit longer before doing so. Listening to my fellow participants I began to realize that the WUU Reopening Task Force is doing a good job putting our plan into place. Everyone is ready for this pandemic to be over, but all of us agreed that we must protect our children under the age of 12 until they can choose to be vaccinated. I ask that you be gracious and kind to those who are doing their best to get us all back together inside the building. For those who are vaccinated please remember that we set a good example for our children when we follow the guidelines our team requires. If you plan to come to our “Watch Parties” during the summer please wear a mask, and if you would like to help out with greeting and seating at these events please email me at <>.

All of our Cluster Presidents agreed that our relationship is very important. We will start to have regular meetings starting in September so that we can be of help to each other not only with the pandemic, but also as a way to maintain strong healthy communication among us. The Tidewater Cluster has a reputation within the UUA as being one of the strongest in the country, and we will work together to strengthen the bond that will help us to better serve our congregations, community, and the world beyond.


Katrina Landon, President WUU Board