November 21, 2021: “Being and Becoming: Reflections on Being Alive and Coming to Life”



Liz Wiley, Worship Associate

“On Raglan Road,” arranged & performed by Patrick Dexter, cello

Welcome & Greeting
Liz Wiley

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
Steve DeLaney, Guest Worship Leader

Opening Hymn
“Blue Boat Home,” by Peter Mayer

Lighting the Chalice
Liz Wiley

We light this chalice
for the warmth of love;
for the light of truth;
for the energy of action;
and for the harmony of peace:
Peace in our hearts,
peace in our community,
and peace in our world.

Wisdom Story
Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
Liz Wiley

Centering Music
“Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale,” from the World Science Festival

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox at the back of the sanctuary.

For this Sunday’s collection, we welcome Williamsburg Action to present their Black Business Concierge project. The Black Business Concierge is an economic justice initiative aimed at helping a community that is underserved. It’s a phone service that creates a safe space for anyone to call when they’re looking to intentionally spend and direct their dollars to Black-owned businesses.

When you reach out at 1.855.BLK.BUSN, you’ll be connected to a personal concierge who will do whatever they can to help direct you to a Black-owned business that meets your needs. Through this service we can continue providing a direct pipeline of referral business to the people who need it. The idea is by helping to increase sales to Black-owned businesses they are more likely to generate wealth to pass on to future generations. When the Black community prospers, the entire community is uplifted.

Williamsburg Action provides this service for free to the community. Your contributions will help develop and disseminate this important economic development initiative. Thank you for your support!

Offertory Music
“Higher Love,” cover by Ndlovu Youth Choir from America’s Got Talent

“Is This Who I Am?” retelling of a traditional Lakota story by Margaret Silf
Liz Wiley

“Sweet Darkness,” by David Whyte
Steve DeLaney

“The Gate,” by Marie Howe
Steve DeLaney

Reflection Music
“This Is Me,” with Keala Settle from The Greatest Showman

Steve DeLaney

Extinguishing the Chalice
Liz Wiley

We extinguish this flame,
but not the light of truth,
the warmth of community,
or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts
until we are together again.

Closing Circle & Benediction
Steve DeLaney

Post-service Zoom group: Zoom participants are invited to stay online for virtual social time in the main Zoom room.

Post-service conversation at WUU: In-person participants are invited to move outdoors to chat with friends old and new.

New to WUU? Welcome! Learn more about WUU and Unitarian Universalism by visiting