June 2022 Auction Update

by Katrina Landon, WUU Auction Chair

Last week the WUU purchased the software “Auctria” to use for our first completely online annual Auction which will run November 6 – 12, 2022. I, and several others, are learning about the site, and I’ve already created my first attempt at the Auction homepage! Using Auctria is going to make the process so much simpler for those offering items and events, those bidding, and those who just wish to give a donation. Please be assured there will be a team of people ready to help you once the call for donated goods, services, and events begins right after Labor Day. You can help us achieve our fundraising goal of $20,000 by thinking about your own creative ideas as to what you might offer at the Auction. No idea is too big, or too small, and we hope to offer a wide variety of goods, services, and events that will cater to all age groups, income levels, and even some virtual events for those who can’t leave their homes. Think about using your home, the WUU, or another venue as well for your event. Here are a few ideas to get you brainstorming:

  1. Do you have a passion you want to share? Do you love birding? Are you crazy about looking for good deals in a thrift shop? Do you love classic cars? Are you a master gardener? Do you love organizing events?
  2. What can you teach others to do? Can you knit, embroider, crochet, sew, or quilt? Are you a good woodworker? Are you good at organizing closets and drawers? Are you a good handyperson? Can you cut someone’s grass? Can you teach someone how to play an instrument or write a song?
  3. What do you consider yourself to be an expert at (or have reasonable knowledge of)? Can you give a lecture on a topic? Show others how to change the oil in their car, or fix something that is broken at home? Have you taken many pictures of trips that you can share as a “travelog?”
  4. Do you love to bake? Do you enjoy seasonal baking? Do you love to make soups, or herbal mixtures? Do you know how to put on a “high tea?” Do you make your own extracts? Do you brew your own beer, cordials, or wine?
  5. Do you like to put on seasonal dinners, barbeques, pool parties, crab pickins and beer, breakfast in a garden, or an after service brunch?
  6. Do you love Maymont, historical walks, summer picnics and lawn games, the Parkway and a ferry ride, boat rides at sunset?
  7. Can you offer to babysit, dog sit, or house sit?
  8. Can you provide spring and summer bouquets from your garden? Dried herbs, or pickles? Fresh vegetables from your summer garden?
  9. Can you organize a virtual wine and cheese party? A virtual book club, or other virtual events that those who cannot get out can participate in?
  10. Can you, or your child, provide cooking lessons? Can you put on a wine and painting event? The list goes on and on….

These ideas are just to get you thinking as every single one of us can contribute to this fundraiser. No offering is too small, and we want to include everyone….even those who cannot be with us in person. Let’s all put on our most creative thinking caps and start to dream! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at klandon1956@gmail.com.