Auction News and Needs

by Katrina Landon, Auction Chair

Our first online auction is but two months away (Nov. 6 -12). We have two teams in place to prepare for the event. We have a small technology team, led by me, Katrina Landon, who is currently building the website and who will also be set up after services, beginning Sunday, Oct. 9 – Sunday, Nov. 6, to help you register or enter items/services for auction. We will also provide directions in the Spiral and on handouts that will allow you to do this on your own. Our other team, headed by Leslie Fabian, will be coordinating the celebration reception we will hold after the auction concludes. It will be held right after the St. Cecelia’s Day service on Sunday, November 13. Leslie still needs volunteers to help her plan the reception as well as set up and clean up. You can email her at You will soon see volunteers wearing a t-shirt with our “formula” for this year’s auction. Please take the time to ask the volunteer just what in the world the formula means! We hope you are already trying to figure it out because it is the theme for this year’s auction.

Everyone, I cannot stress enough how important it is that all of us volunteer an item, service, or event for our auction as a successful auction will mean funds generated for next year’s budget. I will be setting up a display in the Gathering Hall in the next few weeks that will have a handout you may take home providing you a host of ideas of things you might wish to offer up for auction. No idea is too big or small. We are looking for events that will attract young and old. We already have a “Mad Hatter Tea Party” and “Traditional English Christmas Party” offered as two “all ages events!” What are your passions, your interests, your skills? Think about them and the answer will come!

This auction will be different in that there will be no items on display in the building. If  you wish to donate an item to be sold you will offer it virtually. Please remember that all items must be considered valuable, be in good working order, and clean. If your item is won by a bidder it will be up to the two of you to arrange a time for its change of hands!

Lastly, we are looking for a few people who will be willing to serve as a one time B&B so that we can swap weekend getaways with the Asheville, Glenn Allen, and Charlottesville congregations. If we cannot find congregants who can offer this we will not be able to offer such packages in the auction. Please email me at if you are willing to do this.

If you have a questions, please email me at