December 2022 President’s Report

November was another awesome month at WUU!

  • Thanks to Donna Stanford for initiating and coordinating the Arts Fair. Donna reports: 36 participants ranging from 6 to over 90 years of age! New features included creative writers and musicians. Several cited that the Arts Fair, with at least 80 participants, was our primary coming-out-of-COVID event.
  • Thanks Sabbatical Team for your hard work! Please read the nice piece from the Team that is in this week’s Spiral.
  • Thanks to the Worship Associates, Worship leaders (WUU members and guest speakers), Musicians, and AV Team for the wonderful worship services. And, thanks to the coffee makers who enhanced our fellowship in the gathering hall. I understand we need some more volunteers to make the coffee.
  • Thanks to the Auction Team. Katrina provided the following information: 120 bidders; 90 donors; $21,000 with only $1,000 in expenses! About 15 volunteers were involved including amazing leaders Angela Surber, Katrina Landon, Leslie Fabian and Lesa Craig.

And December is filled with new opportunities.

  • Sunday’s worship service will provide another variation with 3 From the Hearts about our experiences during the last 4 months. And welcome back Rev. Laura!
  • Also, check out the Spiral for a list of events that are designed to connect and have fun, including:
    • All-Ages Yule Sing and Potluck tonight. Thanks to Jess O’Brien for stepping in to help since Austen had emergency family responsibilities in Ohio.
    • All-Ages Drumming Circle on Sunday at 5:00. All skill (including no skill) levels welcome.
    • Jigsaw Contest and Games night the 10th at 6:30. Our previous contests have been popular WUU events.

Around the Campus:

  • Joe Cross, our facilities manager, found 2 record-type loblolly pine trees near Parker House. Since we needed to take out a couple of large diseased pine trees near the playground, we took the opportunity to trim these beautiful loblolly trees and remove some of the undergrowth in the area.
  • Lola Warren and family planted a new pink dogwood in loving memory of Dave. It is near the Memorial Meditation Garden entrance.

And from the Board:

  • We have planned a joint meeting with the Program Council to be held in January. Both groups are reading an interesting book by Gary McIntosh entitled Taking Your Church to the Next Level: What got you here won’t get you there. We are working with McIntosh’s book as part of our 5-year evaluation program.
  • We implemented a new policy regarding masking at the pulpit: Speakers from the pulpit will not be masked when speaking.
  • The Nominations Committee scheduled interviews with each Board member to better understand the Board’s needs for the next year. On a related topic we are looking for ways to have an effective leadership development program. Thanks to Linda Lane-Hamilton for volunteering to help reestablish this program.
  • We welcomed Thad Hecht as a new member to the Finance Committee. Thad is one of our newest members and we appreciate his willingness to share his talents at WUU.

December promises to be a festive month. Whatever way you celebrate this season, know that your WUU family loves you and looks forward to 2023 as we continue to build the beloved community!


Les Solomon, Board President