May Transitions—WUU Style

As reported by our new Board President Linda Lane-Hamilton, May is the month for Board transitions. Already, much has been done to prepare for these transitions.

But before we move on, first a word about our work in April:

  • Article II Café Conversation. Approximately 50 attended this conversation either in person or on ZOOM, providing an opportunity for congregants to hear both the pros and cons to this UUA proposal. We ended the café conversation with a consensus, I believe, that the Article II proposal is a step forward, though some may wish to modify a few things.
  • General Assembly Delegates Elected. The Board elected Jessica O’Brien, Leslie Fabian, Les Solomon, Linda Lane-Hamilton and Pat Russo to be our delegates to the UUA General Assembly in Pittsburgh, PA in June. These delegates will listen to the debate and make their decisions about the next steps for Article II ratification and well as other matters that come before the GA.
  • April Board Meeting. We spent most of our time discussing two important questions:
    • Finance: What guidance, if any, shall we give to the Finance Committee as they work this month to prepare a financially sound and responsible budget that reflects our values with the realization that we will have to work hard to create a balanced budget. The Finance Committee, under Franz Gross’ leadership, will present their budget for approval at the May Board meeting.
    • Interim Minister Search Committee (IMSC). Thanks to Franz Gross, Pat Russo and chair Natalie Miller-Moore for the preparation of the “Congregational Report” in record time. Christine Purcel, UUA Transitions Office wrote: “It was a delightfully nuanced and candid snapshot of your ministry and needs, overall. I think you gave potential applicants exactly what they need to know when deciding whether or not to apply. The resilience and joy in your ministry shows, and was balanced by some hard truths about the ministry that is ending and the very personal effects of COVID on your congregation. The profile came off as authentic and inviting. Well done!”

So this is my last report to you. As I reflect upon this last year, it was probably the most challenging of my three tenures as President. Now it’s time to trade in my WUU President name badge knowing that you are in such able hands with Linda and Pat’s leadership. I will ask Rachel for a WUU Secretary name badge this week, ready to take the Executive Committee and Board minutes, answer some questions from time to time, and, of course, continue to be at WUU to help us build the Beloved Community!

Thank you for the honor of serving such an amazing congregation!

Les Solomon
Retired WUU President
New WUU Secretary