June 2023 Notes from the Minister

Dear WUU Community,

I was so excited to hear the news about your new interim minister! I know Rev. Michelle a little from when we were both serving congregations in the Washington, DC area, and I’m just delighted that she will be joining you in August. She is a trusted colleague; I can’t think of anyone better suited to guide you through the interim process.

Of course, this will be a big change for the congregation. Any time a new minister arrives, it means a different kind of presence, new ways of doing things, and a million other changes, some small and subtle, others large and unmistakable, all of which you may experience as exciting, jarring, and/or curiosity-provoking—sometimes all at once! And that goes for both congregation and minister. My hope for you all is that this interim time will be filled with learning and love, growth and grace.

As we head into my last month with you, I want to thank you for all the rich conversations I’ve had with many of you about what our time together has meant. Please do reach out if you’d like to set up a time to chat—I would love that. And I hope you’ll come on Sunday, June 18, either in person or online, for my last service in the pulpit you’ve entrusted to me. We’ll have a party afterwards too!

One last thought for now: Many of you have asked about staying in touch. With a heart full of love for you all, I need to let you know that, after this month, if we see each other around town, I’ll always be happy to say hi. But beyond that, I won’t be able to stay connected with you by email, phone, or social media, or to serve you as minister in any way. The covenant I share with all my colleagues in ministry calls me to step way, way back, for the sake of the relationship you will form with Rev. Michelle and all the ministers who will come after her.

This is one of the toughest things in ministry—having to say goodbye and really mean it. But it’s for such a good reason. For the next ministry to flourish as we all hope and wish for, ministers who are leaving really need to leave. So let’s make the most of this month! And even though our relationship must change very soon, I will always be filled with gratitude for our time together. Dear people of WUU, thank you, and bless you!

With love,

Rev. Laura