WUU July 2023 Board Updates

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon

WUU is in the “gap” month without a minister—Rev. Laura’s ministry ended June 30 and Rev. Michelle’s begins August 1. Yet Sunday services have been well-attended and inspiring, thanks to Liz Wiley who planned these services and David Hamilton and Liz who arranged for music and musicians.

Here’s what the Board has been doing;

  • Monthly board listening sessions, third Sundays after the service, will continue. About 20 people attended the board’s first listening session in July. General Assembly delegates also attended and talked about the issues and votes—Article II, the business resolution, and social justice issues. These listening sessions will continue in August and September—third Sundays after the service.
  • Safety at WUU means many things—facilities, finances, our children, our online files, and more—so the Board is reviving a safety team and process. Phoebe Kent and Kerry Mellette have led the initiative to write a charter and create a committee to continue planning. They will present a charter for approval at the August Board meeting.
  • As part of WUU’s safety initiative, the Board will take a “safety tour” of the WUU campus to learn what the issues and solutions are for making the campus a safe place for our members, visitors, children and renters.
  • Year-end financials—WUU’s fiscal year ends June 30th. We ended with a deficit but also with reduced expenses for the previous year, and we have careful stewards of our resources in Franz Gross and the finance committee.
  • Montessori is (still) waiting for licensing approval to move a classroom from 109 to 110. They have asked to continue their lease for one more year before signing a longer-term contract.
  • Check the August schedule because WUU will be busy. Rev. Michelle’s first Sunday service will be Aug. 13th, and Katrina Landon and the fellowship group will host a congregation-wide welcome potluck for. Rev. Michelle Friday, Aug. 18.
  • The Program Council is shifting its meeting time to the second Thursday (from the third Thursday). The first meeting on this new date will be Thursday, Aug. 10, for a combined. Board/Program Council meeting with Rev. Michelle.
  • The board holds an “education period” at the beginning of each meeting. In July we read the by-laws and talked about what we learned, some of it surprising. Do you want a summer challenge? By-laws are on the WUU home page—read them and see what you learned. You might want to share that during the Board’s listening session in August.

Linda Lane-Hamilton, President
Pat Russo, Vice-President and Personnel Chair
Les Solomon, Secretary
Franz Gross, Finance Chair
Phoebe Kent, Katrina Landon, Kerry Mellette, Melissa Stump, Angela Surber


Contact the WUU Board President: boardpresident@wuu.org

If you are a WUU member with a special interest in keeping up-to-date with Board activities (agendas, upcoming forums, etc), please email office@wuu.org to be added to the Board Updates mailing list. Official announcements will be posted in our weekly Spiral emails or shared in special emails, as needed.