Worship Calendar

Sunday, August 20, at 10:00 am: “Ch-ch-ch-changes,” led by Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

You’ve probably heard the saying that the only constant in life is change. Now while that may be true, it doesn’t mean that change is easy or something that we’re all used to and ready for when it happens. There are lots of changes we’re facing right now, both smaller scale changes as well as larger ones. We’ll explore some of the dynamics and realities of change together today.

Sunday, August 27, at 10:00 am: “The Work of Journeying Together,” led by Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

We are a congregation full of human beings. Now that might seem like a ridiculous statement to make because it’s quite an obvious one. We are a group of human beings. Now, we like being with one another and working together and doing church together, but since we’re a bunch of human beings, we’re also not perfect at any of that and certainly run into bumps and potholes from time to time. That’s why we have our Congregational Covenant, to remind us of our hopes and intentions for our relationships. Today we’ll remind ourselves of what and why we have that covenant.