October 2023 Newsletter Column – Heritage

Heritage plays a pivotal role in our shared journey as Unitarian Universalists, and it plays a pivotal role during a transitional period. It is the foundation upon which our faith is built, a rich tapestry woven from diverse threads of thought, belief, and experience, good experiences as well as more challenging ones. A congregation’s own heritage is the foundation upon which the present rests.

As we navigate this interim period, we are called to reflect on this heritage, to honor our past, and to understand how it informs our present and shapes our future. This is not merely an exercise in nostalgia, but a vital process of self-discovery and growth. It is about understanding who we are as a congregation, acknowledging our strengths, learning from our challenges, and envisioning our path forward.

In my role as your interim minister, I am here to facilitate this process. You’ll hear me talking about stories a lot and asking about stories a lot. This is one of the ways that we explore where WUU has come from. It’s about both the stories that are told a lot as well as the ones that aren’t; it’s about the stories that are easy to tell as well as the ones that aren’t. Together we will delve into our shared stories, honor our traditions, and reflect on the lessons they offer.

Heritage isn’t only an interim focus point, it’s also the Soul Matters theme for the month, so we’ll be talking about various aspects of heritage in worship also. This will include the heritage we as Americans share with so-called “Columbus Day” as well as the heritage we share as Unitarian Universalists and how that heritage is currently informing UU national conversations.

Overall our heritage reminds us of our roots, of the journeys we have undertaken to arrive at where we are today, individually, communally, as a faith tradition, and as a nation. It is a link to the generations that came before us and to those that will come after us.

In honoring our heritage, we are not just paying tribute to our past; we are reaffirming our commitment to the principles that define us as Unitarian Universalists. We are reaffirming our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person, to justice, equity and compassion in human relations, and to the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. We are reaffirming our commitment to a faith that is inclusive, compassionate, and just. And we are taking a look at the challenges and stories that have brought us to where we are. It’s all grist for the journey. Let us engage in that journey with curiosity and humility together.


Rev. Michelle