February 2024 WUU Presidents’ Report

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president

Thank you for helping the Board revise the bylaws

The Board held four information sessions with more than 30 WUU congregants to discuss the proposed bylaws—and has made a number of changes as a result. The Bylaws Committee (Chris Faia, chair, and Lola Warren), the Board task force (Linda Lane-Hamilton, Pat Russo, Phoebe Kent, and Les Solomon) and the entire Board thank all that participated in these sessions.

Here is the link to the most recent proposal. Note that the non-discrimination statement has been reinstituted and the Board roles reorganized, among many changes. All previous documents are now out of date. This version of the bylaws is on the Board agenda to be discussed, revised again if needed, and passed so that it can be sent out in the call to our annual meeting Feb. 18.

Attending WUU’s Annual Congregational Meeting—elections and bylaws

In early February the call to our annual meeting will be sent to all WUUs—for Sunday, Feb. 18, 11:15. It will be a longer meeting than usual—we will vote for the slate of nominees presented by the Nominating Committee (50% of quorum required to approve), and we will vote on the proposed bylaws (75% of quorum required to approve).

Several documents will come with the call to the meeting:

  •  The meeting agenda
  •  The slate of nominees and their bios
  •  The final revision of the proposed bylaws
  • A Frequently Asked Questions document derived from congregant questions at our multiple information sessions
  • The process for voting on the bylaws

Making a decision about WUU’s next minister

Rev. Michelle is with us until June 2025. As an interim, she is a bridge between our past ministry and the next one. The Board will be voting this spring on which kind of ministry to select—but wants to hold information sessions for the congregation before it votes later this spring.

Board members attended a 90-minute information session in early January with Christine Purcell, UUA’s Ministerial Transition officer. Board members learned about options for our next minister in this transition interview, including the two most likely options for WUU:

  • A settled minister—a minister hired after a year-long search of all applicants, many of them new to ministry, by a 7-member search committee of WUU members elected this late spring/early summer. Next year’s budget would include the $12,000-$15,000 for the search process. (Both Rev. Laura and Rev. Randy were settled ministers.)
  • A developmental minister—a minister with “a proven track record” recruited by the UUA for congregations seeking help with deeper goals, such as structural or cultural ones. About seven– 10 congregations a year are approved for this ministry, which lasts for a five-seven year period. If the Board votes for this option, it would appoint a small search committee to interview and recommend this minister to the Board for a vote. Much of the search is online with a small budget required. (Rev. Michelle, though not a developmental minister, was hired by a similar process.)

At the agenda planning meeting, the group decided that the Board president will present a report on the options at the end of the annual congregational meeting Feb. 18.

At the Board meeting Feb. 6, the Board will plan for listening and information sessions about future ministry for the congregation before the Board votes in late spring.

Montessori rental contract updated

Montessori’s contract has been updated to reflect their current use of three rooms in the McGiffert wing– 107, 109 for “naptime” from noon – 3, and 110. In addition, at the end of the day Montessori also can use 106 for a child/children to wait for pick-ups by parents or guardians.

As always, WUUs continue to use room 108 for meetings or gatherings during the week, and our religious education program continues to use rooms 107, 108, and 109 (as well as 106) on Sundays.

Leadership Retreat on Trust

More than 20 WUU leaders began the new year at a Saturday workshop on trust. Results of the Trust survey, taken by about 70 WUUers, show that WUU is a “congregation that values trust, inclusivity, and effective leadership, while recognizing the need for ongoing improvement and adaptation to changing needs and circumstances.” Leaders generated two lists for the Board, Program Council, and congregants to refer to for future decision-making: “What is Holding Us Back” and “Trust Items to Work On.”

The survey itself was framed around Charles Feltman’s Dimensions of Trust model which includes four named dimensions: care, sincerity, reliability, and competence. The Board will discuss ways to move forward in areas needing attention, using these two documents as guides.

Agenda Draft
WUU Board Meeting, Feb. 6, 2024
5:30 – 7 p.m.


Chalice Lighting / Check-In

WUU Mission Statement 
We promise To Serve: 

  • Our members and friends by providing a welcoming, inclusive community to explore and encourage personal spiritual growth. 
  • Greater Williamsburg by promoting religious, racial, and social harmony.
  • Liberal Religion by embodying Unitarian Universalist values within our congregation and in society at large.
  • The Global Community by participating in transformative action to achieve a sustainable and humane world. 

Board Minutes Approval

Consent Agenda
Reports—president, minister, DRE, committees of the board (finance, personnel, safety,

Board Education and Discussion – Board members responses to video from UUA congregational consultants for long-term financial planning. (15 minutes)

Discussion topics (70 minutes)

  • Personnel policy manual (5 minutes, Linda)

Desired outcome: the Board approves the personnel policy manual.

  • Proposed revised bylaws for Annual Meeting (20 minutes) (Linda, Chris and committee members)
    • Review of process for information session and results
    • Revisions made to bylaws since December 2023 board meeting
    • Process for annual meeting Feb. 18

Desired outcome: the board approves the proposed revised bylaws for the Feb. 18, 2024, congregational meeting.

  • Ministerial search process (Linda) 10 minutes
    • Review of orientation session with UUA
    • Timeline
    • Discussion of best ways to inform congregation of the options and timeline

Desired outcome: board members will approve a timeline and volunteer to participate in information sessions for the congregation.

  •  Treasurer’s report and analysis–Status of WUU income and expenses at fiscal year midway point (Vicki Hall, treasurer, 10 minutes)
  • Trust retreat: “Items to Work On” and “What is Holding Us Back” (attached)
    • Board round robin and next steps (Linda, 15 minutes)
    • What are your take-aways from the leadership retreat about trust?
    • What can the Board do now to move forward?

Closing & Adjournment – Angela (5 minutes)


Contact the WUU Board President: boardpresident@wuu.org