All Together Brown Bag Lunch

Williamsburg Baptist Church

Join us on Friday, August 2nd at 12 noon for the monthly All Together Brown Bag Lunch discussion. The location is Williamsburg Baptist Church, 227 Richmond Road. Please park in the rear parking lot.

Discussion leader this month is City of Williamsburg Police Chief, Mike Sloggie. Chief Sloggie’ s discussion will be The Criminal Justice System, the Williamsburg Police Department, and the public’s perception of justice.

Chief Sloggie has been an officer with the City of Williamsburg Police Department for 37 years. He holds a Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management, Virginia Tech, MPA, Justice Administration, Golden Gate University, BA & AA, Criminology, Saint Leo College, AAS, Police Science, Thomas Nelson Community College, and Certificate in Corrections, Thomas Nelson Community College. His full resume is attached.

Please join us for an engaging discussion.