Faith Development Programs for Children and Youth, April 25, 2010, 11:15 am

Here is what is happening this week in our Faith Development Programs for Children and Youth:

Faith Development Programs for Children and Youth
Spirit Play, pre-k through 2nd, Explore and Feast: Celebrating our Promise Year
Toolbox of Faith, Grades 3-5, Resiliency: Hardhat, part 2
Traditions with a Wink, Middle School, Closing Day

4:00 pm – YRUU, our high school youth group, meets today in the Parker House basement with Rev. Jennifer Ryu.  Topic:  explore the spirituality in the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy.

Today is our last day of the 2 service program
for our Children and Youth.

Our summer program will begin Sunday, May 16.

For more information about our program, please follow this link:  Lifespan Faith Development.

I welcome calls and e-mails to talk about all our Lifespan Faith Development programs.  Margaret M. Sequeira, Director, Lifespan Faith Development or by phone at 220-6830.