WUU News

September 2022 President’s Report

Welcome to the Fall program season!  I want to highlight some of the Board activities then end with a larger perspective on the challenges that we, along with so many other congregations, are facing. First, though the Board did not meet in August, much of the work takes place in our committees. For instance: The Executive Committee, composed of the elected officers and ex-officio Minister (Pat Russo is filling in) typically meets weekly to discuss a range of topics including a more timely way to follow membership trends, review of attendance information for the last few years, creating a  dashboard…

Welcome to Belonging

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirely… You began to breathe again… You learned to sing. But the deal with this blessing is that it will not leave you alone, will not let you linger… this blessing will ask you to leave, not because it has tired of you but because it desires for you to become the sanctuary that you have found… – Jan Richardson Richardson begins with hunger. And so do we. Just saying the word “belonging”…

September 2022: There’s So Much Going on in Religious Education!

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education The  WUU Religious Education program offers age appropriate religious education classes during WUU services. Our awesome volunteer teaching teams prepare sessions for the children, and together we explore our Unitarian Universalist faith. Coming in September: New Classes On September 18, the second weekend after Labor Day, we’ll launch our new RE schedule. Here are the RE classes we’ll offer most Sundays from 10:20-11:20 am: * Preschool (ages 3-5) * Lower Elementary (grades 1-3) * Our Whole Lives (grades 4-6) * Middle School (grades 6-8) * High School (grades 9-12) * Monthly Children’s Chapel Read more…

Time to Register for 2022-2023 Religious Education!

It’s time to register for 2022-2023 Religious Education! On September 18, the second weekend after Labor Day, WUU Religious Education begins the 2022-2023 year, with classes at WUU most Sundays from 10:20-11:20. Here’s what we’ll be offering for families: Children’s Chapel – Once a month, we all gather to experience a new modality of healing and wellness. Lower Elementary: Soul Matters Curriculum – Join us for this class that meets to talk about the monthly theme and play, too! Our Whole Lives: Grades 4, 5, 6 – Our Whole Lives is our comprehensive science based sexuality education program. Parent permission required. Middle School: Coming of Age – What do you believe…

August 2022 President’s Report

Last month, I found it hard to write a report while watching the beautiful New Mexico scenery outside our VRBO at 8,000 feet in the middle of a cow pasture. Now, I’m easily distracted by the beautiful sunset at Lake Gaston while enjoying the company of our daughters and families plus 6 dogs. Fortunately, sandwiched between these two vacation trips, we have accomplished quite a bit around WUU! Preparations for Rev. Laura’s sabbatical took a fair amount of time in July. Just for review, on May 10, 2017, our congregation voted to call Rev. Laura as our minister. I remember that day. After her sermon…

July 2022 Notes from the Minister

Dear WUU community, In just a few days, I’ll be starting a four-month sabbatical. I am so grateful to our WUU leaders for supporting this time away for me to rest and recharge. I’ll be away from WUU for four months, August 1-November 30. I’ll miss you, but I know you will be in the best of hands with our skilled and caring Sabbatical Committee (Phoebe Kent, Linda Lane- Hamilton, Pat Russo, and Angela Surber) and our wonderful staff and volunteer leaders. I think you’ll find there will be lots to look forward to this fall: Fun all-congregation events like the Fall Arts Festival…

July 2022 President’s Report

It has been a busy month in the Solomon household: Three grandchildren graduations (high school, undergraduate and graduate), the first wedding engagement among the grandchildren, my last aunt passed away so now I’m the elder Solomon, visits to families in Oklahoma, and helping Jo’s stepbrother in New Mexico as he begins to deal with the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. As I write, I’m sitting on the deck of our cabin near Taos (elevation 8000 feet) deciding what is the President’s message for July and as soon as I can put this to bed, I can resume our exploration of New Mexico’s beauty!! At WUU,…

June 24, 2022: Special Message from the Minister on Today’s Supreme Court Decision

Dear WUU Community, Today we learned that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. Even though the decision didn’t come as a surprise, still, I am shaken and angry, and I am deeply concerned for everyone who will be harmed by this gutting of the basic human right not to be forced to bear a child. If you are too, I hope you will do whatever you need to take care of yourself today. And, I invite you to join in community to witness for your values. Tonight, I plan to participate in a “Bans off Our Bodies” witness…

Welcome, New Members!

From December 2021 to June 2022, nine people became members of WUU. We will recognize them during this Sunday’s worship service at 10 am. Get to know our newest members by reading their bios below, and be sure to offer them a warm welcome to the community! Shelby Barnetti Shelby Barnetti isn’t really from one place. Born to a father in the military, she was raised in New York, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. During college, she moved abroad, spending two years in Japan and four in Germany. While in Germany, Shelby completed her bachelor’s degree in engineering and, coupled with…

June 2022 Auction Update

by Katrina Landon, WUU Auction Chair Last week the WUU purchased the software “Auctria” to use for our first completely online annual Auction which will run November 6 – 12, 2022. I, and several others, are learning about the site, and I’ve already created my first attempt at the Auction homepage! Using Auctria is going to make the process so much simpler for those offering items and events, those bidding, and those who just wish to give a donation. Please be assured there will be a team of people ready to help you once the call for donated goods, services,…