WUU News


Unitarian Universalists love puzzles. We proudly announce that we are the religion that loves questions and questioning. Or to put it another way, we love figuring out life’s mysteries.

But what if mystery isn’t just something to figure out? What if it’s also something to be listened to? This is the lesser recognized call of our faith. Being a people of mystery isn’t just about
engaging life as a marvelous puzzle. It’s also about allowing yourself to be spoken to by life’s

President’s Report

November began with a solemn but uplifting community-wide worship service led by Rabbi David Katz of Temple Bethel to commemorate the lives of those who were killed at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburg. Our building held more people than it ever has before! Faith leaders from many churches spoke, and though this was a tragic event, I was proud that we were able to be able to host it here at WUU.


Lizbeth Dye was born up north in a small New Jersey town called Budd Lake. Liz recalls lots of fun being on a lake, ice skating, swimming and boating. Liz attended Katharine Gibbs Business school in New York and after graduating she married and moved to Northern Virginia.

What Does It Mean To Be A People of Memory?

“What is it that takes you back, and where does it take you?” These may be our most important questions this month. “What takes you back?” invites us to see memory as having its own volition. Not a skill we manipulate, but a sacred energy that “wants” something from us, or “hopes” something for us. And “Where does it take you?” Well, that’s a big question too. The space of memory is elusive. Mysterious. Seemingly beyond our grasp. Who can really say “where” it is? But here’s what we do know: it is in the space of memory that we are somehow held together, and also re-assembled. As we remember, we are re-membered. In that space, memories become these self-animated threads that weave the pieces and parts of us into this more complete thing we call “me” and “you.”

Hospitality Ministry News

We’re now in the midst of our third month of the new hospitality ministry. The first month was a beta test provided by the ministry team leaders, coordinators and a few additional volunteers. Last month Judy and Ty Alexander and their Team One provided all the Sunday morning hospitality, and now Carolyn Greathouse and her Team Two are doing the same.

Welcome to WUU News!

I’m delighted to introduce you to WUU’s newest publication: WUU News. This new email publication will come out once or twice a month, featuring timely articles and reflection pieces by congregational staff and leaders. We want to inspire you, inform you about what’s happening in the congregation, and help you stay connected.

The Art of Unitarian Universalism

Have you noticed the new art installation in the hallway at Williamsburg Unitarian Universalists? Les Solomon built this wonderful and engaging board that can be used for various activities. Many thanks go out to Donna Stanford for helping to create this opportunity for folks to interact using our creativity.