WUU News

May 2023 Report from Your Board

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon The new board made several significant decisions at its May board meeting, met at a retreat May 30 to envision what a successful WUU would look like a year from now, and continues planning for the coming year. WUU will rent to the Ixora (Wildflower) Montessori school in our McGiffert wing for at least three more years. This Montessori program is part of “an ecosystem of decentralized…

June 2023 Notes from the Minister

Dear WUU Community, I was so excited to hear the news about your new interim minister! I know Rev. Michelle a little from when we were both serving congregations in the Washington, DC area, and I’m just delighted that she will be joining you in August. She is a trusted colleague; I can’t think of anyone better suited to guide you through the interim process. Of course, this will be a big change for the congregation. Any time a new minister arrives, it means a different kind of presence, new ways of doing things, and a million other changes, some…

Interim Minister Announcement

We’re excited to announce Rev. Michelle Collins will be joining WUU as our interim minister in August. She is coming to us as an interim minister from Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (California) and is a Doctor of Ministry, Wesley Theological Seminary and Master of Divinity, Starr King School for the Ministry. She has extensive experience with Soul Matters curriculum development and regional UU work, as well as currently serving as faculty for the Interim Ministry Network and Trauma Response Ministry. Her previous work experience includes being a hospital chaplain and an elementary school teacher. She is committed to anti-oppression…

Transitions—Interim Minister Search Committee

The process of matching with interim minister candidates began in earnest on May 1st and the committee is busy preparing our process for the candidates who select us. We will review their profiles, ask for additional information and interview candidates in May. We hope to be able to recommend a candidate after the first round of interviews. If not, we will enter a second round. We expect to welcome our new interim minister on August 1. A reminder—unlike the selection of a Settled Minister when the candidate is elected by a congregational vote, the final recommendation for the new Interim…

WUUs Hug a Maple Tree, Explore Environmentalism

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education The high school and middle school groups went to Savanah’s farm one Sunday in April. We learned from each other, from Savanah, the steward of the land, and from a maple tree. It took seven WUUs holding hands to gather around the trunk of this old resplendent maple, pictured below. Below, all ages enjoying the moss. Savanah shared with us her vision of a community living on her land, sharing resources and working the land together. This is what the teens had to say about the day: “Savanah talked to us about how…

Transitions—New Board on May 1

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, WUU President Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon WUU’s new board term began May 1, with a transition made easier by several new policies enacted by the previous board. Four new board members were elected in February. These four became “ad hoc” board members for the next two months—attending and participating in all board meetings and discussions but without a vote. This participation—call it an apprenticeship of sorts—allowed new members…

May Transitions—WUU Style

As reported by our new Board President Linda Lane-Hamilton, May is the month for Board transitions. Already, much has been done to prepare for these transitions. But before we move on, first a word about our work in April: Article II Café Conversation. Approximately 50 attended this conversation either in person or on ZOOM, providing an opportunity for congregants to hear both the pros and cons to this UUA proposal. We ended the café conversation with a consensus, I believe, that the Article II proposal is a step forward, though some may wish to modify a few things. General Assembly…

Welcome to The Path of Creativity

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team Creativity is our ability to dream things up and make them happen. — Peggy Taylor Dreaming things up. We’re all familiar with that part of the quote. Who doesn’t love conjuring up new ideas and images? Who isn’t impressed when someone takes pieces of what is and – almost magically – presents us with what could be? However, the same can’t be said about the second half of the quote, the part about “making those dreams happen.” That side of the creativity equation gets short shrift. We celebrate the fun piece about dreaming…

May 2023 Notes from the Minister: Starting to Say Goodbye, part 2

Dear WUU Community, Hello again! This spring has slipped by so quickly. It feels very poignant to me that I have only a few more weeks to serve you as your minister. Last month, I wrote to you about the ways my relationship with you will change after I’m gone. Today, let me begin with an invitation. If you’d like to meet up with me for a farewell chat before I leave, I would love that. Please reach out and let’s set something up. I’d also like to share more with you about what I’ll be doing after I leave…

April 2023 President’s Report

Minister Transitions: March has been another busy month to plan for our future: The Board convened twice this month to undertake the very important work of selecting an Interim Minister Search Committee. We were delighted that Pat Russo, Natalie Miller Moore, and Franz Gross said YES! They are on a very tight schedule to create the documents needed to find this person. Earlier this week, members and friends should have received a request from the Search Committee. If you haven’t responded to their short survey, please do it NOW! The questions are thought-provoking and the survey is designed to ensure that all of our diverse voices are represented. Remember:…