Notes from the Minister September 2021

September 2021

Dear WUU community,

Years ago, when I was living in a group house in Boston, one of my favorite roommates moved out. I felt very sad that I wouldn’t see her as much any more. I called my mom to vent a little, and she said to me, “You know, this could be a wonderful opportunity to make a new friend!” In the moment, I didn’t want to hear it. I sighed, “Mom, I don’t want to have to make a new friend.” But, as it happened, she was right. The roommate we eventually found, rather randomly through a want ad, turned out to be a dear friend with whom I’m still in touch after more than 20 years.

In this month of “Embracing Possibility,” our Soul Matters theme for September, I think of my mom’s wisdom, and of some wise words by the late Jim Kelsey:

This is something I have found to be true without exception: that when we, any of us, focus on things in our lives that are passing away, we get scared, we get anxious, we get depressed, we lose hope; and when we focus on things that are being birthed and are coming newly into creation, we get excited, we get imaginative, we get optimistic, we feel drawn closer to one another, we feel as if we have meaning and purpose in this life, and we have joy.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that we can just wishful-think our problems away. We are still in the thick of the ongoing pandemic, with its toll of illness and death, not to mention narrowed opportunities to just be human together. We are still concerned for the lives lost and those left behind in Afghanistan. And for all those affected by Hurricane Ida and other natural disasters, especially knowing they are getting worse because of climate change. And for the burdens of oppression and poverty that constrain the lives of too many.

But still, there is so much we can do. What possibilities will you seize to make a positive difference in your world, even a small one?

Here at WUU, we’re planning some small, fresh experiments in reconnecting:

  • Our music folks are organizing a congregation-wide outdoor hymn sing sometime this fall. Watch the Spiral for details!
  • We’re launching new Soul Matters groups to bring people together for in-depth exploration of our monthly themes. Signups start Sept. 9. (I’ll also be leading a monthly drop-in Soul Matters group, starting on Sept. 26.)
  • We’re starting to plan a whole series of small-group conversations to dream about new possibilities for music, adult faith development, and other programs at WUU.

And we continue to plan for a return to worship in the sanctuary as soon as it’s safe to do so. Our plan is to resume in-person worship, masked and distanced for now, once James City County, Williamsburg, and York County all stabilize below the “Red” (Very High Risk) zone on

Meanwhile, I’ll be leading worship from the sanctuary (just me for now) starting on our Ingathering Sunday, Sept. 12. By the way, normally we would have our annual water communion ceremony on that Sunday after Labor Day. This year, we’ll celebrate water communion the first Sunday we’re able to welcome you into the sanctuary again. And this will all be in a hybrid in-person/online format that welcomes you wherever you are.

Even in these challenging times, I hope you too will find new possibilities opening up in your life—maybe a new friend where you hadn’t thought to find one, or a new idea that brings fresh energy and courage into your heart. Whatever life is bringing you in these days, I send you many blessings and hope to see you soon.

In faith and with love,

Rev. Laura