RE Goes Kayaking

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Paddles of many colors alternate sweeping through the air and water. The WUU YRUU (High School) and Middle School groups are on the move!

YRUU youth and adults, 11 in total, explored the Chickahominy River off Route 5 one recent Sunday on perhaps one of the last 90 degree days, nearly coinciding with the Harvest Moon. The youth paddled their kayaks across currants, through reeds and rushes, and even found some sunken treasure! Inside the treasure, we found the stuff that stories are made of: a cell phone, a knife, a pair of shoes, a change of clothes, and some rotten snack bars. Whose were they? How did they get there? Jess Hench brought the sunken backpack to the lost and found so that the items could be returned to their owner. Also stuff of stories, the youth and adults saw each other in person outdoors and distanced, with painterly clouds gracing the brilliantly blue sky and old friendships were renewed.

Shortly after, the Middle School group enjoyed an outing, too! The teens seemed to turn into fish the moment their kayaks hit the water. With guidance from Kim and Scott Dellinger, our intrepid group explored four miles of Little Creek Reservoir in Toano, Virginia. Way to go, Middles!

It’s not too late to register your child for WUU Religious Education to take part in future activities. Learn more