Update on Journey to Asylum

M and the Journey to Asylum team have spent the first month of her stay with us setting up all of the basic services that one needs to start a new life. M has begun English classes, is setting job training goals, and working on enrolling the kids in Early Head Start and Kindergarten, among many other things. We now have a team of seven volunteer interpreters helping with the program on a daily basis (mostly remotely)! We are also excited to welcome the UU Fellowship of the Peninsula as partners in the project. They will be providing monthly financial support.

The family is settling into Parker House and is enjoying the outdoor space and garden with a new fenced area and picnic table. Our house preparation volunteers worked magic to turn the house into a home. Please enjoy these before and after pictures!




Thank you to all of our donors who are making this work possible. If you would like to provide program support, visit https://wuu.breezechms.com/form/5393c042. Thanks also to the entire congregation for respecting the family’s privacy and concerns about interacting with a large number of people given COVID-19.