January 30, 2022: “It’s All Connected: UUs and Reproductive Justice”



Nan Hart, Worship Associate

Opening Hymn
“Come, Come, Whoever You Are,” words adapted from Rumi, music by Lynn Ungar
Performed by Joelle Griffin Russell, piano, & Jane Ferguson & David Welch, vo

Welcome & Greeting
Nan Hart

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
by the Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Minister

Lighting the Chalice
Nan Hart

We light this chalice
for the warmth of love;
for the light of truth;
for the energy of action;
and for the harmony of peace:
Peace in our hearts,
peace in our community,
and peace in our world.

Wisdom Moment
“What Is Menstrual Justice?”
Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
by Jessica Halperin
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Centering Hymn
“Theres a River Flowin in My Soul,” by Rose Sanders
Performed by Joelle Griffin Russell, piano, & Jane Ferguson & David Welch, vocals

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688

This week’s offering will benefit the Minister’s Charitable Giving Fund, which helps people in our congregation and in the larger community who need short-term help paying rent and other essential expenses. Your gifts will help shelter homeless families, pay utility bills in the cold of winter, and offer hope in times of despair. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Offertory Music
Chanson Sans Paroles, Op. 40, No. 2, by Jean Sibelius
formed by Joelle Griffin Russell, piano

from “What Is Reproductive Justice?” by Darcy Baxter
Nan Hart

Musical Interlude
Almost a Waltz, by Dmitri Kabalevsky
erformed by Joelle Griffin Russell, piano

It’s All Connected: UUs and Reproductive Justice
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Closing Hymn
“How Could Anyone”
Performed by Joelle Griffin Russell, piano, & Jane Ferguson & David Welch, vocals

Extinguishing the Chalice
Nan Hart

We extinguish this flame,
but not the light of truth,
the warmth of community,
or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts
until we are together again.

Closing Circle & Benediction
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Post-service social time on Zoom: All are invited to stay online for conversation with friends new and old.

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