January 25, 2022 Journey to Asylum Announcement

The Journey to Asylum team is excited to announce that we will be welcoming our next guests, a family of three from Honduras, into the program this coming Sunday! Stefany, Mike, and baby Alessandra (8 months) are pleased to join our community and are eager to begin their new lives in Williamsburg. We connected with them through our partners at Al Otro Lado, a legal organization assisting immigrants at our southern border. The family is coming to us via Houston, where a UU-led interfaith group helping immigrants assisted them with immediate needs and will transport them to the airport. It is wonderful that WUU is part of a wide network of UUs helping people find safety and welcome.

We will be helping Stefany, Mike, and Alessandra get settled in during the next few weeks and will then find a time to introduce them to the congregation. Please look out for a request for volunteers or other needs as we get to know this family. Thank you for your ongoing, compassionate support of Journey to Asylum and our migrant brothers and sisters.