A Delegate’s Guide to GA 2021

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Attending a UU General Assembly is an amazing experience and should be on everyone’s UU bucket list. This year, GA will be fully virtual, and WUU covers registration for our delegates to attend.

Rev. Laura and Austen will be attending online. WUU has 5 slots allocated to congregants. Please contact board@wuu.org ASAP if you are interested in serving as a delegate online. Please check out the site at https://www.uua.org/ga for much more information!

What do you do as a GA Delegate?

WUU’s five congregant delegates are one of the most important ways that our congregation participates in the democratic process lifted up in our Fifth Principle. While at GA there are quite a variety of activities that you’ll be able to be part of. These include uplifting worship, learning opportunities, social justice action, and lots of ways to meet with lots of UUs. In addition, GA is the annual business meeting of the denomination. As a delegate, you represent WUU at this meeting and can cast a vote for us. The UUA provides a helpful guide for delegates.

What is on the GA Business Agenda?

The GA Business Agenda has not been finalized yet, but here are a few items that will be discussed.

Elections Our elections of people to serve the members and congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association are at the heart of our fifth principle of our faith and our trust in the democratic process. This year there will be a contested election for a position on the UUA Board of Trustees (3-year term). One candidate, Sam Trumbore, was chosen by the UUA’s nominating committee and supports continuing the antiracism/anti-oppression work currently underway within the UUA. A second candidate, Jay Kiskel, was placed on the ballet via petition.

Statement of Conscience After three years of study and action on the 2018-2021 Congregational Study/Action Issue Undoing Systemic White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action, the General Assembly delegates will vote this June whether to adopt the draft Statement of Conscience (SOC), prepared by the Commission on Social Witness with feedback from congregations. Adopted Statements of Conscience focus the efforts of UU congregations and other UU groups on the topic of the SOC, shape the meaning of contemporary Unitarian Universalism, and empower the UUA staff to lobby for our positions in pending legislation. Read the draft Statement of Conscience (SOC) Undoing Systemic White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action.

If you have any questions about General Assembly, please email Rev. Laura.