A Holiday Message from Our Minister

Dear WUUs,

Happy holidays! However you celebrate, I hope this time of year will be a blessing to you.

Some of us are savoring the quiet of the darkness that falls early in this season. Some of us are struggling to get by without the long days of sunlight. For all of us, may we find ways to be in harmony with this spinning planet.

Some of us are making joyful plans to gather with family. Some of us are mourning a fresh loss and finding the weight of grief exacerbated by the “holiday cheer” that seems to be everywhere. For some of us, it’s both. For all of us, may the love of friends and family sustain us.

Some of us are embracing the Christmas spirit. Some of us, including those raised in other religious traditions, may feel alienated from a story and a set of traditions that doesn’t feel like ours. For all of us, whatever our image of the holy, may we be blessed by the Mystery that is way bigger than any one tradition or story.

Whoever you are, whomever you love, however you’re doing, I invite you to any and all of our holiday services if you feel they will feed your spirit. Our annual Solstice service will be on Friday at 7 p.m. Then on Sunday at 11:15 a.m., we’ll offer our second-annual no-rehearsal Christmas pageant. And on Monday, Christmas Eve, at 5:30 p.m. we’ll offer a service of stories, carols, and readings.

And whoever you are, however you’re doing, be blessed. Be well.

In faith,

Rev. Laura