A Note from Your Minister: Opportunities for Belonging

Dear WUU community,

Welcome to this month of Belonging! In the spirit of helping each of us find ways to belong and connect here, I’m excited to tell you about three new opportunities available at WUU this fall.

Sunday morning classes for adults: Last spring, many of our adults told us you’d love to have opportunities to learn and connect with others on Sunday mornings. We’re now starting to roll out new programs for adults in the Middle Hour in between services. This Sunday, Oct. 6, I invite you to join me in a drop-in conversation this Sunday, 10:15-11 a.m. in the Little Sanctuary. We’ll focus on one of “the big questions” of religion and ethics, inspired by our welcoming words on Sunday mornings: What’s your image of the holy? I hope this will be the first of a monthly series of “Drop-In Soul Circles,” for anyone who wants to explore questions like this in a supportive, confidential drop-in group format.

We’ll be developing more adult programs for the Middle Hour throughout the year. If you’re interested in leading a program, let’s talk! Please reach out to me and we’ll find a time to meet.

A WUU People of Color group? Several of our WUUs of color have let us know they’re interested in being part of a congregational group led by and for people of color. This fall, I’d like to support this idea by hosting a startup conversation. If you identify as a person of color and would like to be part of this conversation, please click here to help choose a good time.

And another opportunity: there will be a special workshop just for UUs of color at the Tidewater Cluster gathering in Richmond coming up on Saturday, Oct. 12. Hosted by the People of Color Group at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, the workshop will focus on attracting and sustaining People of Color in Unitarian Universalist congregations.

A new group for WUU seniors: Many of you have said you’d like to be part of a group of seniors exploring issues and questions of aging. Wayne Moyer has offered to start something up, and he would love to hear from you at wmoyer@widomaker.com if you’re interested.

These are just a few of the ways we can help each other live out the words we say each Sunday: You belong here. You are seen here. Thank you for helping to bring that spirit to life ever more fully each day.

In faith,

Rev. Laura