This is a quiet, sacred place dedicated to the perpetual memory of all who are remembered here, named and unnamed.
How To Reserve a SpaceWho: WUU voting members, parents, and children may reserve a space. Others, such as spouses, may be considered for eligibility. The names of all who are memorialized on the Garden wall and /or interred in the Garden are inscribed in a permanent Memorial Book (outside the office).
How: The total cost to purchase a space on the wall is $400. This includes a bronze plaque and perpetual care. A non-refundable fee of $100 will reserve your space on the wall with the remaining fee of $300 due before the plaque is ordered.
Next Steps: Reserve a space in the Memorial Meditation Garden by completing the application in the WUU office as well as volunteer to help to continue to make this a welcoming, sacred space.
You are welcome any time. Sit in the circle to remember loved ones or use one of the benches in the garden. The garden is located in a designated Conservation Area.