Annual Giving Campaign Under Way

If you attended WUU on March 3, you experienced an inspiring message from Rev. Laura as we
launched our annual giving campaign. The annual giving table will be available in the gathering
hall throughout the campaign. Many of you have come by to get your pledge materials. If you
didn’t have a chance to get your envelope, these were mailed to everyone on our list this week.
If you are a regular attendee/visitor and did not received a pledge package, please stop by the
table. As of early this week, we have received pledges totaling $265,000 toward our goal of
$410,000. We are encouraged by the generosity of our early pledgers. Many of you have
increased your pledge, some by a very significant amount.

As a reminder, your pledges are for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins on July 1 and ends
June 30 of next year (2020). So there is plenty of time to pay. We are asking everyone to
consider the right level of giving which reflects their personal situation and the importance of
WUU in your spiritual journey. We THANK those of you who have made your pledge, whether
pledging for the first time or renewing your annual commitment. As we said on March 3, we
need all gifts, large, medium and small, to meet the goal.

From the Annual Giving Team

Dave Banks, Anne Luchsinger, Ellen Busching ,Ben Puckett, co-chair
Allen Cooke, Ann Tetrault, Rich Costello, co-chair, Larry Ventis, Martha Elim