April 17, 2022: “Coming Back to Life”


Before the service: You may light a candle for the joys and sorrows in your heart.
Please respect those seeking silence.


Susan Marcinkus, Worship Associate

“For the Beauty of the Earth”
WUU Choir with David Hamilton, conductor & pianist

Welcome & Greeting
Susan Marcinkus

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
by Elizabeth M. Strong
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Minister

Lighting the Chalice
Susan Marcinkus

We light this chalice  
for the warmth of love;  
for the light of truth;  
for the energy of action;  
and for the harmony of peace:  
Peace in our hearts,  
peace in our community,  
and peace in our world.

Opening Hymn
SLT #61 “Lo, the Earth Awakes Again”
David Hamilton, piano

Wisdom Story
“Rechenka’s Eggs,” by Patricia Polacco
Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
by the Rev. Cathy Rion Starr (adapted)
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Centering Hymn
SLT #266 “Now the Green Blade Riseth”

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox in the Gathering Hall.

This week, your Share the Plate for social justice contributions will go to support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s emergency response to the war in Ukraine. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Offertory Music
“Sunrise,” written & performed by Happenstance: Renee Kingan, flute; John Trindle, bass; Jane Ferguson, David Hamilton, Dave Welch & Liz Wiley, percussion

From “Death,” by Brigit Esselmont
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Gospel of John 20:11-16
Susan Marcinkus

“Coming Back to Life”
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Closing Hymn
STJ #1050 “Jazz Alleluia,” by Tom Benjamin
WUU Choir

Extinguishing the Chalice
Susan Marcinkus

We extinguish this flame,  
but not the light of truth,  
the warmth of community,  
or the fire of commitment. 
These we carry in our hearts  
until we are together again.

Closing Circle & Benediction
by the Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

“Oh Happy Day,” arranged & performed by Renee Kingan & David Hamilton

SLT=Gray Hymnal | STJ=Teal Hymnal

Post-service conversation on Zoom: Zoom participants are invited to stay online for virtual social time.

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