Auction Update: Start Your Creative Brainstorming!

I have had several people ask me about our upcoming online auction which will be held the week of Nov. 6 – 12, followed by a celebratory reception for all ages after our St. Cecelia’s Day service on November 13. Here are a few FAQs related to our first ever online auction.

  • I will be putting up several posters around the WUU filled with ideas you might consider offering for bid in our auction! All of us have “time, talent, or treasure” we can offer. There is no item, service, or contribution that will be too little or too big. Start looking for the posters the first week of August.
  • Beginning Sunday, Sept 18, both before and after service, we will have a team set up in the Gathering Hall to help you set up your Auctria account. This will enable you to register both as a bidder and as someone offering items for auction. Auctria is actually quite user friendly and most of you really won’t need our help, but we will be there!
  • If you wish to sell an item such as artwork, furniture, jewelry, you will need to take photos of the item as physical objects will NOT be brought to the building.  Cell phone photos are fine, but please make sure the photo(s) are clear.  All objects for auction must be in working order, and clean. Your photo will be used in the catalog so please start trying out your photo composition skills now so that you will have a nice photo of your item. If we have a question about an item for sale the Auction team will make the final decision regarding its appropriateness for sale.
  • If you are friends with the owner of a restaurant in town, or anyone with a business who offers gift certificates, please ask them if they are willing to donate a gift certificate for our auction. I will be sending letters to those businesses that have donated in the past, but a friendly word from you goes a long way. Should you arrange for a gift certificate please email me at I can provide a tax form for the business.
  • Leslie Fabian will be heading the Auction reception we will hold after service on St. Cecelia’s Day on November 13. Given Covid, and suggestions from many that we have an event during daylight hours, we are going to try out a different format this year. The event will be open to all ages, but it’s going to be a very special event. If you have any ideas you would like to share please contact Leslie or speak to her after service. Thank you Leslie!

That’s it from me right now. Please stay tuned to further announcements in the Spiral, on social media, and around the building. Put on your creative thinking cap. All of us have a “time, talent, or treasure” we can offer to make this a wonderful auction!

Katrina Landon, Auction Lead