Service, October 3, 2010

“What They Dreamed Be Ours to Do”, by Rev. Jennifer Ryu Our next General Assembly will be held in late June in Charlotte, NC. It promises to be larger than previous GA’s, especially since it will be the 50th Anniversary of the consolidation between the Unitarians and the Universalists. What were their hopes for the future of this liberal faith? …

Service, September 26, 2010

“Celebrating and Honoring our Spiritual Diversity” by Rev. Terre Balof, Consulting Minister for the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Glen Allen, VA

Service, September 19, 2010

“Why Should I Forgive?”, Rev. Jennifer Ryu

Even if we understand logically that forgiveness does not mean we condone a behavior, many people still find it emotionally difficult to pull those two ideas apart. To forgive is not to condone, and it is not to forget or to make excuses.

Service, September 5, 2010

“Becoming Oneself” by Margaret Sequeira, Director of Lifespan Faith Development. “Ask me whether what I have done is my life” (William Stafford). Who am I? It is one of life’s fundamental questions. It comes with other questions like, “Am I doing what I am meant to do?” “Is this all there is?” We explore what it means to become oneself, …

Service, July 18, 2010

“Transformation” by Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr., Associate Minister at the UU Church of Annapolis; In addition to his duties of preaching, teaching, and counseling, Rev. Crestwell leads the Pathwork Adult Religious Exploration program, as well as overseeing all social justice initiatives, including being the Director of Outreach for the UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland. He is formerly the minister …

Service, July 11, 2010

“Love Quarantined” by Donna Sequeira and Liz Wiley; In an increasingly individualistic society, we are often afraid to give or receive love. We have a tendency to quarantine ourselves and our love looking for ways to feel safe. We explore the spiritual disciplines of forgiveness and humility as ways to open ourselves more fully to love and connection. Sermon: Listen

Service, July 4, 2010

“Celebrating the 4th: Truth and Freedom at the Heart of Our Religious Lives” by Rev. Kathy Duhon Rev. Duhon shares some usually overlooked American History about Unitarians and the search for truth and freedom in our nation’s founding—pitchforks and lawyers are involved. What truths do you hold to be self-evident? Do you ever find yourself “yearning to breathe free”? Truth …

Tuesday, 8/3 7pm – Green Sanctuary Task Force Meeting

WUU, Fahs House The Green Sanctuary Task Force will be meeting in the Fahs House on Tuesday, 8/3, at 7pm. This is primarily a planning meeting for those who wish to make a long-term commitment to being part of the Green Sanctuary Task Force that will oversee the whole process in the coming year.