Sermon Topic, June 29, 2008

“A Service of Parting” by Sara Mackey, Director of lifespan Faith Development Join us as we say good-bye to Sara Mackey, Director of Lifespan Faith Development.

Service, Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Lost Father” by Preston Moore, Co-minister We’ve made great strides in gender equity over the past few decades, right? Then why does it feel like machismo is at an all-time high in America? Whither fatherhood in an age like this? Call to Worship: by Rev. Preston Moore Listen (mp3) Read (pdf) From the Heart: by Robert Vinson Listen (mp3) …

Sermon, Sunday, June 15, 2008

Freeing the Fathers, Freeing Us All by Preston Moore, Co-minister We’ve made great strides in gender equity over the past few decades, right? Then why does it feel like machismo is at an all-time high in America? Whither fatherhood in an age like this? Listen

Service, Sunday, June 8, 2008

“The Crack That Lets in the Light” by Rev. Preston Moore, Co-Minister Searching for goodness in grief is not just whistling in the dark. More like seeing in the dark. Come see. Call To Worship: by Rev. Preston Moore Listen (mp3) Read (pdf) From the Heart: by Linda Lane-Hamilton Listen (mp3) Reading: “All Souls” and Sonnet 2 from “The Autumn …

Sermon, Sunday, June 8, 2008

“The Crack That Lets in the Light” by Rev. Preston Moore, Co-Minister Searching for goodness in grief is not just whistling in the dark. More like seeing in the dark. Come see. Listen

Service, Sunday, June 1, 2008

“Breakfast on the Beach” by Sara Mackey, Director of Lifespan Development What can Unitarian Universalists glean from the Christian stories of Jesus’s death and the days that followed? What does food have to do with faith? Do these questions relate to each other? Come reflect with Sara Mackey; let us make meaning together. Order of Service Chalice Lighting: by Jan …

Service, Sunday, May 25, 2008

“Life Reaching Out to Life” – We gather to make new meaning out of a cherished Unitarian Universalist tradition: Our Flower Communion. Please bring one flower to add to the bouquet during this annual celebration. Call To Worship: Preston Moore Listen(mp3) Reading: Matthew 6:25-30 Read Reading: The Rhodora by Ralph Waldo Emerson Read pdf Sermon: Rev. Preston Moore, Co-minister Listen …

Sermon, Sunday, May 25, 2008

“Life Reaching Out to Life” – We gather to make new meaning out of a cherished Unitarian Universalist tradition: Our Flower Communion. Please bring one flower to add to the bouquet during this annual celebration. Sermon: “Life Entrusting Life” By Rev. Preston Moore, Co-minister Listen (mp3)

Service, May 18, 2008

“Does Anybody really know what Time it is?” by Rev. Preston Moore< Call To Worship: by Abby Adams Listen (mp3) not yet available Coming of Age Ritual: Abby Adams, Caleb Arries and Amanda Wiley Listen (mp3) not yet available Poetry Reading: “Learning To Walk” by David Whyte Listen (mp3) not yet available Sermon: “Ministerial Texting, Analog Style” By Rev. Preston …