December 2021 President’s Message

The approaching end of another year brings with it a time for holiday festive making punctuated with laughter, gifts, and warm memories of past celebrations with family and friends. It is also a time for reflection as we note the end of the year gone by. Covid Times has certainly left its mark on all our lives, and on the life of our congregational community as well. Thinking back on these past twelve months, I am reminded that although they may have been physically, emotionally and spiritually difficult for many: we Williamsburg Unitarian Universalists have been able to serve our Mission in a variety of ways. We have provided a welcoming and inclusive community by providing opportunities online, and in person, that have helped many to explore and encourage personal spiritual growth not only through our online and hybrid services, but also through participation in such activities as Soul Matters, Lectio Divina, Shamanic Journeying, Wednesday Walks, Circle Dinners, and virtual after service discussions. We have promoted religious, racial, and social harmony by participating in the annual HART Thanksgiving celebration, offering Earth centered gatherings to celebrate the Wheel of the Year, fireside fellowship, hosting a week of the COFM Winter Shelter for the Homeless, and supporting the initiatives for racial and justice equity led by our Social Justice team. Lastly, many of us supported the Journey to Asylum through a variety of ways which demonstrated our embodiment of UU values such as donating our time to babysit, driving our Parker House guests to appointments, serving as translators, and donating financial support when it was needed. All in all, even if we have been cobbled by a pandemic, we have shown up when it really mattered, and for that we should all be thankful.

As for the New Year, we have much to look forward to. If all goes well at the next JCC Board of Supervisors meeting in December, we will begin renting out two classrooms in the McGiffert Wing, starting in January, to a very small Montessori program (not run by the WUU). Please stay tuned for more information once the approval is in place. Our Journey to Asylum team is in the process of working with the UUSC and CAPAS in order to provide life-saving sponsorship to another immigrant family. The JTA team has also been asked by the UUSC to participate in a video for their Human Rights Leadership Celebration in recognition of International Human Rights Day. The video will promote CAPAS and feature our work with Journey to Asylum. Read the update from JTA for an invitation to this virtual event.

In January the Program Council will conduct a series of Congregational Cottage Discussions that will allow you the opportunity to give useful feedback as to the future of our music program as well as others. Your participation will be extremely helpful regarding long range planning – – something that has been forced to the back burner as we have had to focus on ongoing revisions of our Reopening Plan. I hope you will take the time to thank those who have served on this Task Force, as well as the medical professionals who have advised them. Theirs has not been an easy job. We are so grateful that fully-vaccinated congregants are back in the building again, wearing masks, and able to sing as a congregation! We are grateful that those who cannot be with us in person still have the option to join us virtually each Sunday. 

I know this past year has created many hardships for us all. This pandemic has been a real test to our ability to stay connected while physically apart. May the New Year bring hope and new resolve to be better UUs, and better people in general. May our light shine bright in this troubled world, and may we pass that light on to those in need of acceptance and understanding. Happy Holidays to all!

Katrina Landon, Board President