December 9, 2021 Journey to Asylum Update

In doing immigrant justice work, we are often stumbling forward with an open heart. This work comes with many uncertainties, and we don’t know where the journey will take us. It is with some disappointment and hearts full of gratitude that we are letting you know that the asylum seekers from Nigeria have chosen to follow a different path.

After arriving safely in the U.S., they were able to identify a Christian church in Los Angeles that could offer them support. As conservative Christians, they felt more comfortable joining that community. Although we make it clear to all of our guests that participation in our religious activities is not a requirement of our program and that we will connect them with the faith community of their choice, they were very nervous having experienced extreme persecution for their religious beliefs. 

The legal organization that we partnered with to submit the couple’s application for emergency entry into the U.S. assured us that our sponsorship and letter of support were key to their application being approved. The goal of our program is to meet the needs of asylum seekers as they see them, and in this case we did just that by helping them gain entry into the U.S. Although we all would have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know them, we are pleased they were granted entry and that they found a community where they feel comfortable.

We are incredibly grateful for all the WUU volunteers who worked very quickly to get the house ready for their arrival and for those who donated items. Those efforts will not go to waste, as the house is now in wonderful shape and ready to welcome the next family that arrives. This is definitely an exercise in hurry up and wait, but on multiple fronts Parker house has served as a vehicle of hope and possibility. Its existence offers the promise of housing, which has enabled us to submit sponsorship applications both for this family and now for an Afghan family. As a congregation we are changing lives through this program, even if we don’t get to meet the lives we change. What a beautiful symbol of faith, welcoming, and love WUU is offering the world!