December WUU Presidents’ Report: By-Laws Revision—Process and Progress

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president

Much board work is invisible to congregations until it’s time to give feedback and vote. We’d like to make sure you as congregants know what’s going on in a major “infrastructure” or “foundational” initiative right now—a WUU by-laws revision. By-laws provide the formal structure of the congregation, and policies and procedures govern day-to-day matters.

  • We’ve been working on by-laws since August, when we realized our by-laws did not reflect some of our needed governance practices.
  • We must update our by-laws relating to a ministerial search to allow for options offered in current UUA practice.
  • Finally, we wanted our by-laws to be clear, concise, and flexible by reflecting current practices of moving specifics and details to policy statements.

Two groups have been working together on the revision: a Board task force of Linda Lane-Hamilton, Pat Russo, Phoebe Kent, and Les Solomon; and our current by-laws committee of Chris Faia, chair, and Lola Warren, both past presidents of WUU and both with considerable leadership experience.

The December 5th board meeting will focus on by-laws—what the process was, why changes are being suggested, how the old and new versions are different, and what the board should vote on to send forward to the congregation.

And so, the by-laws will become very visible to the congregation over the next few months. Before the congregational meeting Sunday, Feb. 18, the Board and committee will be asking you for input in a variety of ways, including information sessions, listening sessions, and/or possible stake-holder group sessions. You will have an opportunity to make suggestions until we reach the deadline three weeks before the congregational meeting.

The board and by-laws committee manage the process, but you, the congregants, vote to approve, so information sessions and discussions before the Feb. 18th congregational meetings are important.


The kitchen has a new dishwasher (the old one wasn’t economically repairable). Thanks to Jim Hall and our facilities director, Joe Cross, for the research, purchase and installation. We’ve also had new carpeting installed on the sanctuary stage.

WUU’s beautiful memorial garden is receiving the kind attention of Helen Hansen, Lola Warren, Susan Fournier, and Les Solomon—with a new landscaping boulder identifying the garden and new plantings.

WUU Ministry teams (such as Worship Associates, Membership, Caring, and Social Justice) meet monthly in a reorganized “Program Council” led by Rev. Michelle and Jessica O’Brien. This group of about a dozen members represents the many ministry teams that do the work of WUU. This past month the council talked about decision-making clarity and how that applies to our program planning. (More than 30 teams are part of Program Council cluster groups—and many of them can always benefit from more members.)

Our FUUNd-raising groups continue to engage WUUs both as volunteers and as recipients—first Sunday lunches, prepared-food sales (Baker’s DUUzens), and the auction, which raised $21,000 in a weeks’ time of online bidding. To Katrina, Leslie Fabian, Jessica O’Brien and the dozens of helpers, we are all grateful.

Leadership Retreat in January 2024

Rev. Michelle will lead a Saturday retreat for congregational leaders on January 13, 2024 (note date change) from 9 – 4. Those involved will receive invitations in December.

Board Agenda—December 5, 5:30 – 7

5:30 Congregant time (2 minutes per person as needed)
5:40 Chalice Lighting and Check-In (Melissa Stump)
5:55 WUU Board Education—Next Steps to WUU Ministry (Rev. Michelle)
6:10 Progress report by the new Stewardship Task Force (Allen Cooke and Lola Warren)
6:20 By-Laws discussion—process, product, Board decisions (Chris Faia, chair, and Lola Warren, by-Laws Committee; Pat Russo, by-laws task force; Linda Lane-Hamilton and Board)
6:50 Update on Montessori—values, inter-faith goals, and fiduciary concerns in creating and signing contracts (Angela Surber and Franz Gross, Montessori ad hoc committee)
7:00 Closing (Melissa Stump)


Huddle – Board and minister (process check for the meeting)

Reminder—congregants can attend Board meetings in person (room 108) or on Zoom (link in the WUU events calendar). The first 10 minutes of the meeting are available for any member wanting to speak to the board—a 2 minute limit helps us honor our own timeline.


Contact the WUU Board President: