February 2023 Notes from the Minister: Love at the Center

Dear WUU Community,

Welcome to February! I’m excited to share with you today some important news about the future of Unitarian Universalism.

Spoiler alert: UUs will soon be voting on whether to radically update our seven principles and put love at the center!

Our what now? If you’re a newcomer, you may not have learned about the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism yet. The seven principles are both part of Article II of the Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and a statement of values that have been guiding UUs since they were created in 1985—the latest in a long line of statements we’ve created over the years to express the core of our faith.

When they were created 40 years ago, the seven principles were themselves a radical departure from our previous UU values statement, incorporating a feminist lens and honoring our growing theological diversity. Now, it’s time to consider what an authentic expression of UU values might look like for today. Our UUA Board has charged a team, the Article II Study Commission, to come up with a fresh values statement for us all to consider, and they’ve just released their report (download the 26-page PDF).

As you’ll see on p. 20 of the report, the new draft statement puts Love in the very center (surprisingly, our current principles don’t mention love at all!), surrounded by six core values:


It’s so different from what we’re used to! But I also feel the spirit of the seven principles breathing through this new vision.

This summer, delegates to our General Assembly will vote on whether to advance this draft for a final vote in the summer of 2024. If this work intrigues and excites you, please consider applying to be one of our WUU delegates, either online or in person in Pittsburgh, PA. Our Board will share information soon about how to apply.

I’ll also share more about what’s happening with Article II at our Feb. 5 Charter Day worship service. Hope to see you there!

In faith,

Rev. Laura