February 2023 President’s Report

Transitions. I wish that we had more information to share with you about what happens in the next few months. However, our schedule doesn’t exactly align with the UUA’s structured schedule for ministerial transitions. As reminders:

  • In December, Rev. Laura indicated that she intended to leave WUU to pursue a different form of ministry. Her intention is that her last Sunday with the congregation will be toward the end of June. If, however, she is offered a job before that time, she will work with the Board to set a mutually agreeable departure date.
  • We contacted the Regional Staff in December and again this month. They continue to encourage us to keep reviewing the Ministerial Transition Handbook in preparation for further conversations. Last month, I cited Linda Lane Hamilton’s background research on the options. They are in the footnote below, just in case you missed it.1
  • One of the first tasks we have is to reflect on our past and envision our future. There is a role for all of us in that process. The Board is beginning discussions with the Regional staff on the path forward.

WUU in the News. Spreading the word about WUU is important now that we have so many great events. We are counting on you to help us with that continuing work. Thanks to those who helped out this month:

  • Virginia Gazette. The Saturday edition’s section on Worship with Us this Week covers 2 pages below the fold. However, we noticed that all the postings on the left page are in a much larger type than those on the right page where our program is listed (WUU doesn’t rate well in the alphabetical listing). We brought this to the VG’s attention; now, our ad in the same location is in larger type!
  • Williamsburg Players. Many WUUer’s enjoy the Players and others volunteer. Nan Hart suggested that this would be an ideal place to let folks know about WUU. Now we have sponsored an ad that appears in their program.

Delegates for General Assembly (GA). Rev. Laura’s article on Seven Principles and Article 2 in this newsletter is timely. If you interested in serving as one of WUU’s five GA delegates this year where Article 2 is on the table:

  1. Begin your quest by reviewing GA Information at the UUA website, and
  2. Let me know of your interest. The GA delegate slate will be voted on by the Board later this spring.

The Program Council and Board Meeting. If you’re going to have a great meeting at WUU, it starts with food! Thanks Jessica O’Brien and Angela Surber for once again making this happen. Afterwards, we met in the Sanctuary to review recent trends in membership, attendance and financials. Then, using McIntosh’s questionnaire, we viewed a chart that our leaders created, each dot representing individual responses about where WUU is on McIntosh’s scale (Emerging, Growing, Consolidating, Declining, Dying). With 21 responses, almost all agreed that we are either consolidating (26%) or declining (64%). McIntosh reminded us that at each level, there is important work to do. Here are his key recommendations for congregations at these two levels:

  • Consolidating: Communicate to the new generation the core values, mission & vision; Don’t let old goals become your tombstone
  • Declining: The future depends on the level of pain the leaders are willing to endure

Annual Congregational Meeting. Our By-laws specify two annual meetings. At the February meeting we elect persons to our congregational committees; the May/June meeting is to receive reports from our minister and various committees. Our February 19 hybrid meeting will be held after the worship service. In preparation for this meeting, our Nominations Committee (Natalie Miller Moore, Carolyn Wilson, Allen Cooke) have been busy interviewing and nominating persons for the positions. Their work is so important. Check your Spiral for more information about the meeting, who is eligible to vote, and provisions for proxy voting.

For now, with a drum roll, here are our new nominees.

Les Solomon, WUU Board President

1Linda Lane Hamilton’s Summary
The traditional UUA process for the selection of a settled minister

  • Interim Ministry (2 years, appointed by the Board to prepare congregation for the settled minister search)
  • Search Committee nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected by the congregation.
  • Settled Minister who is called by congregation after the ministerial search.

Other options (these do not involve a Search Committee and an Interim Minister)

  • Contract Ministry (Open-ended contract, appointed by the Board for specific role.) Variations include:
    • Transitional Contract Minister (Minister part-time at congregation and part-time from home base elsewhere)
    • Contract Minister for specific roles (Part-time or full time)
  • Developmental Ministry (3 – 5 years to focus on congregation-specific goals, appointed by the Board. Minister can be called to be settled minister)
  • Lay-lead Congregation (Run by congregational volunteers)