From the Board President – 10/1/18

This has been an eventful first month as your new WUU President. Then again, September is always the beginning of the busy time for everyone in addition to the start of hurricane season. I have big shoes to fill, following Les Solomon. Thankfully he is right by my side as Vice-President while I get oriented.

Hurricane Florence threw a wrench in our schedule, causing the office to close and Sunday services to be cancelled. We provided accommodation for more than fifty Red Cross shelter volunteers who were very grateful. Many commented on how beautiful and clean our buildings are in contrast to other places they had been assigned previously. After a couple of days, the Red Cross moved on to North Carolina and the hurricane passed us by with little effect, thank goodness. Who knew?

This fall, the Board has been wrestling with questions about the future of WLT, Williamsburg Area Learning Tree, which has been experiencing financial difficulties and came to the WUU Board for funding. We have agreed to finance only the fall semester. What does the future hold for WLT? It might decide to align more closely with our WUU mission and Strategic Plan by weaving into our WUU Religious Education program, focusing on classes connected to spirituality, such as the present Meditation and Yoga offerings. Or, perhaps WLT would benefit from becoming independent of WUU, establishing its own non-profit organization in the community. These are some of the questions that members of the WLT and WUU boards will consider over the next few months.

Do you attend the early morning service on Sundays or do you prefer the 11:15 service? Maybe you attend them both from time to time? A task force has been struck to consider the best use of our two services and we heartily welcome your ideas. Send them to with “Two Services” on the subject line.

Our new church software rollout is moving along with congregational leaders getting up to speed. It’s called BREEZE and you will be hearing more about it in the future. With Ellyn Stephens, our wonderful Program Assistant, moving on, member volunteers have offered to keep the implementation process going. Thank you, volunteers.

WUU goes solar! We’ve initiated a project to install solar panels on our building and contributions are rolling in. Here’s your chance to help WUU become energy self-sufficient and support your own piece of a WUU solar panel. Watch for news in the Spiral and Newsletter about how to get involved.

By the way, the WUU Annual Auction planning is beginning in October. Lesa Craig, Ruth Hopkinson, Kim Barbarji, Angela Surber and I make up the Auction Team. Stay tuned for exciting information about the theme and timing of this fun event. The first organizing meeting will take place this month. If you are interested in becoming involved, email me at

Jessica O’Brien