From the WUU Board—change as a continuing theme

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon

There are lots of changes we’re facing right now, both smaller scale changes as well as larger ones. We’ll explore some of the dynamics and realities of change together today.
(Rev. Michelle, the Aug. 10th Spiral)

Change is in the air (again and some more!) as WUU moves to our un-official opening the Sunday after Labor Day, as our religious education classes begin again, and as courses and groups and gatherings for our members and friends abound. As the Board and Rev. Michelle begin our collective work together, we look forward to deepening our connections with the congregation on decisions that will help WUU to grow, diversify and move steadily toward fulfilling our mission.

  • Several congregants have asked if we’re going to change Sunday services to another time (as has been done in years past). In September, the Board plans to create a process to move WUU toward that decision. Whether the decision is to remain at our current time of 10 a.m. or move to another time, the process will offer an opportunity for all voices to be heard. Once the process is established, the Board will plan for broad congregational input to help us make the best decision for WUU.
  • A small group of interested WUUs signed up to receive ‘Board Update’ emails which included a snapshot of the Board agenda and other updates. In an effort at wider communication, and with Board meetings moving to the first Tuesday of the month, the WUU News, which is published at the beginning of each month, will include a shortened version of the upcoming Board agenda along with the Board updates (see shortened agenda below).
  • The Board will continue the listening sessions on the third Sunday after the service. Sometimes those sessions will be simply to listen (as we did with the August session). Other times (and with advance notice through the Spiral) those gatherings might feature a targeted discussion or a presentation/question by Board members or Rev. Michelle. Stay tuned!
  • Interim Ministers help congregations prepare for the future. To this end, in our September Board meeting, Rev. Michelle will be leading the Board in a discussion around areas of focus. She has already heard from many constituents. WUU members, the Interim Minister Transition Team, the Board, and the Program Council have all made suggestions (and will continue to do so) as she decides how she can best focus her energies on helping us.

The WUU Board


Agenda for Board Meeting Tuesday, Sep. 5, 5:30 – 7, room 108 and on Zoom

  • Chalice lighting, checking in, approval of consent agenda and minutes, review of agenda. (10 minutes)
  • Approve a Membership Policy introduced at the August board meeting. This is a new policy that simply documents current practice. (5 minutes)
  • Participate in the monthly Board “education” sessions—for this one, Rev. Michelle will describe the areas of focus common to Interim Ministry. (10 minutes)
  • Seek approval from the board to create a process guiding the congregation’s input about Sunday morning service times, currently 10 a.m. The proposal will not be about making a change but about suggesting the process, to be approved at the October board meeting. (10 minutes)
  • Assist Rev. Michelle in selecting priorities for her interim ministry based on congregational input, interviews, and leadership meetings so far. (45 minutes)
  • Closing


Contact the WUU Board President: